Thursday, February 13, 2025

Because Joho says he's bored with beaches...

We've been chasing (far too many times) for the registration number for Mr BW's new car, as the new insurance can't be sorted until we have a registration number, and the cost of the new policy is rising by the day as 1st March - the date of inception - gets ever closer.

At first we were told it couldn't be allocated until the car (a 'special build' as we required a towbar and a heated front screen) was in the country. The website says it has now 'landed', but today there was some rubbish about the salesman's admin person having to go home at 3pm and not being in again until Monday. Having been admonished by Mr BW, the salesman then rang me and said he'd, "Noted your husband's expressed displeasure, so I've called in a favour and a colleague's admin assistant is now doing it instead and you should expect the list of numbers to choose from by email in the next 10 minutes." I'm left wondering how many tens of thousands of pounds one has to spend before one gets decent service these days, without hassle or having to be assertive. I already know what we will be putting on the inevitable feedback form on him that we will receive...

I'd insisted on seeing the choices for plates as I am very particular about such things. They don't like giving you any choice at all these days, but, they were eventually persuaded.

In the eventuality, all the choices (ie all their allocated numbers from DVLA) were horrible, but some of them were hilarious. I'm surprised that a couple of them were even considered suitable for issue.

The choices were:


We decided that any of these choices would only be funny for the first ten minutes, and eventually went for a choice that was the abbreviated name of an ultra-high-tech product manufactured by the company with whom Mr BW spent his working life. As Mr BW said, ultimately, it was the sales of that product that had paid for the car.

It's hard to believe that it is now almost 10 years since Mr BW retired. Or, as he said at the time, as it was 17 years before his official government pension age, he took his 'gap year'. Which has turned into a 'gap decade'.

Our new entrance gate was initially installed 2 weeks ago today, but their electrician, originally due at the beginning of last week, turned out not to be available until today. And then, the job could still not be finished, as a crucial component was 'not in its box', so tonight the gate is still secured shut by a loop of old-fashioned sisal baler twine off a large spool that I purchased at the local auction a couple of weeks ago.

They might be back tomorrow afternoon, depending on how quickly some cement they are laying elsewhere sets, as they want paying and we made clear we wouldn't be paying until the job was actually completely completed and working to our satisfaction.

FFS. We clearly should have picked that registration. You just can't get the staff.


Friday, January 31, 2025

When you've had enough of gateposts and gates, there's always the beach...


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Too obvious

From time to time I realise that something I have been doing for years and years is not the best way.

Yesterday I had such an epiphany.

We spent 3 years with a seemingly endless stream of tradesmen who needed regular watering (for which read tea-ing and coffee-ing). I sourced 24 cheap white mugs, and, it being Peak Covid, when they had finished a cup they had to put it in a washing up bowl of bleachy water, and, at the end of the day, we put them through the dishwasher.

We had a list of names and requirements blutached up in the kitchen: beverage of choice, milk or not, sugar or not. We had plastic "Builders' Trays" (which also went throiugh the dishwasher at the end of every day) and these were lined with a sheet of kitchen roll (if there were a lot of them) or a post-it if there were only 2 or 3. On this paper we wrote the codes for which cup was which, by the base of the cup. For example, C1, C2, T3, T5 (yes, really) etc.

Yesterday, when the two were here digging out the old stone gatepost and then putting in the new, quarried to order, one, my lightbulb moment came when I realised that all I actually needed to do was to write each cup's contents on the cup handle, where it joins the main body of the mug, with a black sharpie. The pen ink washes off easily in the dishwasher, and no bits of paper blow around.


Anyone else have these sudden realisations?


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Renovation Update

It is now 15 weeks and 6 days since we finally sold Coven (aka Millstone) Sud.

If my observations and calculations are correct, I don't believe that any other houses have sold (purchases completed) in that Parish since then, and several others that were sold have now fallen through and are back on the market. There are now more than ten times the number of properties for sale in that Parish than there were pre-2020 (and twenty times more than at most times within our nearly 30 year memory).

Many of the new builds that have led to many long-term residents wishing to exodus the area have had significant price reductions (think, over a million pounds originally, down by several hundred thousand: which is farcical when the mere reductions involved would buy several average houses in our now-local villages), yet still remain unsold. There are also more new builds built but not yet displayed online for sale, and yet more green fields with planning permission that have not yet been built on. I'm very happy to see greedy developers getting burnt, but less happy to see people, in the 'unable-to-sell' position we were in for over 2 years, still desperately trying to sell. Not all of them are able to take the financial hit that we did in order to make a sale.

Every day we thank our lucky stars that the right people came along when they did.

During the 4 months that have elapsed, we have put plans in place to complete all of our desired and/or necessary projects here:

    Summerhouse/Museum (completed before FOTCR™)
    Replace old stone drive gatepost (today - the insurers of the delivery van that hit and demolished it nearly a year ago finally coughed up after a lot of 'persuasion')
    Replace rusting decrepit 50+ year old metal driveway gate with a rabbit and hare-proof electric auto-opening variant, designed by us but manufactured in Cumbria due to it being, at 4.9m, a bit big for construction within Mr BW's facilites (tomorrow and/or Friday)
    Replace 19 year old conservatory windows (most double glazed panels now blown) and glass roof with new windows and a warm roof with Velux windows, hopefully making it more usable year-round (contractually, signed today, for completion before Easter)
    Replace the remaining old slate roof of the house, with its rotting soffits and damaged guttering and downpipes, and ridges and water tables with departing/departed pointing, disintegrating felt-covered dormer window tops, and a rotting Velux window, with a complete new roof (which was considerably cheaper than doing all the jobs separately) (May)
    Replace both BW Brooms (11 and 12 years old respectively: mine already, sadly and unexpectedly; Mr BW's on 1st March)
    Source a ride-on mower capable of cutting paths/the grass in the orchard/meadow (delivery in the next few weeks; hurrah, no more exhausting having to push a mower not fit for purpose, so living on borrowed time, around)
    Buy lots more engineer's toys for Mr BW's workshop (I have no idea if this project is/will ever be completed - more items arrive by the day)
    Buy a... something I have always wanted... the 'flying delivery' will be very interesting... (arriving within the next month, apparently, once its restoration is complete, although ascertaining exactly when is more trying than herding cats)

As Old Friends BW remarked recently, "You never let the grass grow under your feet, do you?"

All those projects also nicely reduce the 'interest on savings' that the tax man will get too.

It is scary, after so many years of frugality, spending that much in the space of a few months. As I've said to several people, "We did our time - our years in the South - to be able to afford our retirement in the North."

But, all this is our future proofing. Doing all the necessary jobs to see us out, while we are still easily able to research and supervise them, and (hopefully) have time to enjoy them, is important.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Powerful again

The power eventually came back on yesterday evening after nearly 56 hours.

Scoakat asked how much fuel we are allowed to store: and therein lies the problem.

You are only allowed to source/transport 20 litres of petrol at a time, and you can only legally store 30 litres.

A generator uses about a litre an hour, so (if we had only the allowed 30 litres) we need to go out every day for fuel. This is a 26 mile round trip which takes at least 2 hours in bad weather - even if it is safe to go out, which it often isn't when the power goes off due to extreme weather (usually wind or snow).

While you can apply for a special licence to store more than 30 litres of petrol, you need a specialist tank (cost - thousands of pounds), and I don't think we'd be granted it. Plus, you really wouldn't want to keep more than 30 litres as petrol goes 'stale' in a couple of months.

We are slightly better placed now in that we have Zebra (who runs on petrol) rather than 2 diesel cars, so we can keep more 'in stock' (although illegally) and rotate it through Zebra every few weeks, rather than needing to go to the fuel station every single day.

The electricity distribution company always leave 'Isolateds' (as they call us) until last for reconnection after extreme weather as they have strict metrics for getting certain %s of people back on supply withint certain time frames, and getting our dispersed rural dwellings back on supply quickly doesn't bump up the numbers enough, so we always have to wait until the end. But, they refuse to give any consideration to bringing round a fuel truck to supply us with petrol - the isolated farms are OK as they have huge tanks of red diesel (for agricultural purposes) and huge diesel generators, but the isolated houses are left to their own devices.

They are happy to pay for us to go to a hotel, and will provide vouchers for hot food, but that is no good when you have animals to care for, live 13 miles from the nearest place that serves food all day, and need to keep your generator topped up with fuel to keep your hen protective electric fence, freezers and heating controls going.

A lady who lives a mile or so away with her husband in a rented house (so they don't have a generator or a generator port - and rely on a solid fuel fire for heating and a very old Rayburn for cooking) in her late 70s/early 80s with severe MS was told by a call centre operative yesterday, after ringing to say they were very cold after 50 hours off supply, "Have you thought about wearing a hat or getting some extra blankets?"

On one of my early calls to them, I was told that I should have candles and a torch with batteries to hand at all times, and that many tinned foods, such as baked beans, could be eaten straight from the can with no need to heat them. All I said was, "You live in a town, and probably with your mum and dad, don't you?"

The sheer ignorance of the call centre staff makes me very angry, and despite all we were promised after Storm Arwen, this weekend's repeat storm situation stress-tested their plans and found them severely lacking, on exactly the same points as previously. And it's not that they weren't told.

Now, can you imagine how we'd cope if we had electric heating, electric cooking, and an electric car? And people wonder why we chose oil and petrol rather than electric...

And there are thousands and thousands of people like us in a similar situation, and most of them also have very little insulation in their old stone houses, so they are hard to keep warm even when there is electricity. It's not easy to retrofit wall or floor insulation into any house that is any more than perhaps 100 years old, and many people who live in this sort of house in a rural area (particularly in the North) do not own their own homes, and have landlords (often the 'landed gentry') who are not interested in upgrading their (often inherited rather than deliberately bought to rent out) property stock. I don't know what the answer is, but it isn't to keep giving grants for energy efficiency to those savvy enough to apply for them, because those who need the measures most are those least able to access them.


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Powerless: Day 2

31 hours on and the estimated supply restoration time is now 11pm tomorrow night. I had to phone to ascertain this as we have received no info since yesterday.

The repair job is still 'unallocated'.

"We can put you up in a hotel or send you a voucher for some hot food!" said the woman on the phone. Not helpful.

As Nice Nearest Neighbour said, this is just like a repeat of Storm Arwen and its aftermath, and they clearly haven't learnt a thing about what people in isolated areas need.

Interestingly, the 'line down' problem appears to be in or near the same inaccessible location as it was after Storm Arwen. How about the distribution company invest some money and put those clearly 'highly vulnerable to extreme weather' cables underground? The fibre broadband company managed to put all the fibre cables for the whole area underground in about 3 weeks...

And our energy supplier's usage page is now telling us that there is a problem with our smart meter. Erm no, the problem is that there is no electricity to flow through the smart meter, not that the meter has a problem...

Weather Report: Storm Éowyn

Commentator Caroline kindly asked, in the comments box below (which has now autoclosed as it's been a while): I was just wondering how you're surviving the latest storm. How bad has it been?

The wind speed began to build at around 2am yesterday, and got to 70+mph by 6am. It was then 60+mph for most of the day, with frequent stronger gusts. It was only when we went outside that we appreciated the true velocity. I'm glad I'm not an 8 stone stick insect because I'd have blown away!

The power went off at 10.45am yesterday, and the electricity distributor haven't even got anyone to where the high voltage line is down yet (despite erroneously sending several text messages during the day saying that it was back on). The latest news is that they 'hope' to have 'assessed' the situation by late afternoon today. 73 households are off, which is a huge area up here - tens of square miles, and no-one seems to know where the line is down.

The generator port was our best ever investment, as it allows the central heating and Aga controls and lights, TV and other low power appliances to run, albeit not at the same time. It doesn't allow us to run anything that is power hungry (eg vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, washing machine, greenhouse heater).

This is our 5th power cut since 31st December. One 5 hours, two just a few minutes, one nearly 13 hours, and this ongoing situation, currently heading for 22 hours, with no end in sight. We were 11 days without power after Storm Arwen...

Thankfully there is no significant damage that we have noticed yet - but the house has been here since the late 1600s, so has seen it all before, and we have designed everything we've done to be as robust as possible - and we are very careful not to leave anything around that high winds could pick up.

The wind was supposed to drop around midnight, but it is still fairly blowy now.

How has it been where you are?


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Cold

We still have iced snow here, with - 9°C expected tonight, and even colder temperatures tomorrow. Several hundred feet below us, down in the valley, the snow is almost gone.

Having - until recently - lived in a very flat county for nearly 30 years, I still find this demonstration of 'O' Level Geography learning interesting. And yes, I have previously skied and walked in mountainous areas and seen this phenomenon there, but it's somehow different when it is 'at home'.

I realised while watching the weather forecast on TV this morning that I am no longer looking first at East Anglia, then at the northernmost county where we now reside.

I think it took me about 8 years to stop looking at the south west first, when I left there for the east in 1991. However, I do still look at 'other places I have lived' after digesting the meteorological joys in store in the NE.

Do other people who have lived in different areas of the UK do this too?

In other news, I think/hope/believe that I now have my young friend trained up in essay writing, and enjoying her writing process. How someone can get to Master's Level these days and not know how to write a structured and coherent course paper, when they have already been studying English at an advanced level for five and a half years, scares me.

She tells me that she has asked one of her lecturers for guidance on another piece of work, but has been told that, "I don't respond to emails because it is bad for my mental health!" and that she must see him in person. He doesn't have a regular 'office time' and is not prepared to be tied down to appointments, so expects students just to catch him when he happens to be in the Department. Given that she is - for financial reasons - living at home, some 45 miles away from the Department, and that the return train fare is nearly £50, this seems very unreasonable to me. She has asked him for a brief telephone conversation or a video call, but he says he only sees students in person. Complaining could be very counter-productive I fear. This is what you get for your £12,000 a year course fee these days.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Still snowy

There's still snow here, frozen solid, and not about to thaw anytime soon according to the weather forecast, despite beautiful sunshine and crisp blue skies all day.

At this time of year we usually have pretty sunrises sometime around 8am, even if it goes on to be grey all day:

And often nice sunsets around 4-something-pm, and getting later every day. It was still light at almost 5pm this evening.

I have spent the day sorting out the sewing room, shredding old papers (39.5 bankers' boxes to go, then we can have the summerhouse 'top' redone) and cleaning (with white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda - works a treat), polishing, cataloguing and preparing my old £1 coins and pictorial 50p pieces for display:

Note one silver coin and one fake (hmmm, and maybe 2, looking at that image now). Neither noticeable before cleaning.

I eventually decided to make the coins into coasters (for use in the new museum/summerhouse), and ordered what I thought were appropriate acrylic coaster 'blanks'. The 50ps fitted OK (kept in their places by washers from Mr BW's magic washer and O-ring box - we'll be taking a coaster apart next time something for repair needs one that size):

But the £1 coins didn't fit (they were slightly too fat - I understand their pain). Some Magic Tape may come to the rescue tomorrow, in better light.

Having referred to Wikipedia and DG's excellent guide to £1 coins I worked out that I am only missing old £1 pieces from 3 years (1988, 1992, and 2011, just in case anyone has any spares).

I had done this exercise some time ago, but the written evidence has seemingly disappeared. Odds-on I'll find it inside of a week.


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Winter Wonderland

Mr BW has been out in the snow taking pictures.

And then taking down the FOTCR™ decorations. All reused every year and now probably carbon neutral after so many years.

I have been trying to tell my young friend gently that writing in To The Lighthouse Stylee is perhaps not the best way to approach her work. I always hated Virginia Woolf, and I still can't decide whether it's my issue or hers.

It being Sunday afternoon we are, as ever, listening to Johnnie Walker (but now Ghost Edition), which today is the Juke Box Edition from early 2021. Sad, and doubly sad because R4's Dead People's Programme couldn't even be bothered to broadcast his obituary in a timely fashion last Friday.

Does anyone know how we can easily make a track recorded from the TV/digital radio onto hard drive recorder (so in video format) into an audio-only track? Mr BW has been copying from the recorder onto DVDs, so he can then play as a DVD via his (old) laptop (that has a DVD recorder built in) and external speakers, but it is very time consuming (transfer only happens in real time). If we could get it from the DVD format it was recorded in, into MP3 (or audio-only) format, we would have a lot more options for playing it more easily. All suggestions welcome.

The snow on the Velux windows in The Atrium is melting in a most peculiar way. We are hoping that it will clean them as it slides off:

It does show that the extra cost of triple glazing is worthwhile though.

Our snow is lingering as it is drizzling, but it is so cold that the drizzle is freezing before it hits the ground. We have the generator fuelled and ready to go again, just in case.

It amuses me that we had a hand-delivered notification from the area power distributor that they will be turning off the supply all day next Thursday (when the maximum forecast is for zero degrees) so that they can replace equipment to ensure 'future resilience'. FFS, the time to do that is in the summer, surely? Years of neglect but unwarranted ongoing fat bonuses for directors and dividends for shareholders...


Saturday, January 4, 2025

I am 22 today!

Nearly forgot. Happy BlogDay to me.

I am currently attempting to proofread a young friend's first course paper for her English MA. I can't decide whether I am just too old, too cynical, and too far removed from academic study to understand it or whether it is a complete load of bollocks. I asked for a copy of the official style guide and that didn't help. Either way, I have a dilemma.

The snow is set to fall again. The generator is ready to go again.

At least in the North they make an attempt to grit the roads - I got pebbledashed 3 times during a half hour journey home from a craft group meeting this afternoon. Mind you, there is a one mile stretch of pure sheet ice along the lane outside where it hasn't yet been gritted. That'll be fun tomorrow.

It hasn't been above freezing by day or night for a couple of days now (and this is set to continue for the next week) but by Wednesday it is forecast to be minus 2°C by day and minus 8°C by night, plus windchill from a northerly wind. Anyone got a pattern for knitted bootees for hens?


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

End of year, end of era

Saddened by the news that Johnnie Walker died earlier (at 79), a year to the day since his last live Sounds of the Seventies on Radio 2, and 9 weeks and 2 days after his last radio broadcast.

What a legend.

The torrential rain and strong winds (40-50mph) have been relentless here today, but the wind seems to be set to drop around midnight, and then temperatures plummet to 5°C maximum by day and below zero at night for the foreseeable (ie the next 14 days according to the weather forecast), with sleet and snow, but also sunshire forecast.

I'm not a great one for reviews of the year.

Our 2024 summed up in 3 words would be: selling, sorting, completing. What would yours be?

We haven't been on holiday for nearly 5 years now, and have only spent 5 nights away from home this year (which is 5 days more than in 2023). But, we now live in our English Happy Place, so every day is a holiday, in the middle of nowhere, in an area of outstanding natural beauty, and as it was always late October/early November when we visited, we are used to leafless trees, short days, and inclement weather (although we were only saying this morning that there were never such strong winds and such torrential rain then).

And, oops, just as I was about to hit publish at around 6pm, the power went off.

We'd been expecting it all day, with this weather.

We are now running on generator power.

I rang the electricity distributor, just to check they knew about our outage, and was delighted to experience their new customer focus, tell the customer everything we know, mode. It was almost worth all the hours I have spent on the phone to them telling them that they weren't doing enough, in previous years' power cuts.

There are currently 245 customers off (which is an area of probably 20 square miles), with 500 already restored, and our circuit is only off so the linesmen can work on the downed lines about 5 miles away, as-the-crow-flies. So, hopefully, with no actual local damage (yet...), we will be back on inside of 11 days, as was the case last time there was an extended issue.

The nice man on the phone even apologised for 'spoiling your evening'. I didn't tell him we were only doing the usual, and didn't have a wild party planned.

Happy New Year to you all, and thank you for reading and commenting throughout the year; here's to the next one. Perhaps with more pictures.


Monday, December 30, 2024

Top that

We were finally having a nice lazy morning, watching telly in bed, having had a nice decadent breakfast of oat and banana pancakes with creme fraiche and my jealously-guarded-until-now this year's one jar of home-made strawberry jam (made with slugged and/or bird-pecked strawberries - waste not want not) when the roofers that the car salesman (who is currently part-way through a house renovation over on the coast), had highly recommended, rang to say they'd be with us in 45 minutes.

They wanted to come out before the FOTCR™ but we put them off as I was out on that day as sussing out workmen is a Two Witch Job. They promised to come out before New Year, and we hadn't had to chase them, so they were already in our good books before they arrived.

After an hour of looking, listening, discussing and measuring, they assured us that it would be cheaper and more sensible to actually replace the whole of the roof to the double storey bit that was not touched during the renovations/extension work, rather than to do the repairs and replacements that were actually warranted in the short-term. While the roof is currently sound (for which read, not leaking; there are many broken or cracked slates and almost all of the pointing along the ridge and water tables needs reinstating), it is unlikely to see us out, and there are already areas of concern, particularly the felted flat roofs over the dormer windows, and the soffits and gutters that Bodgit and Coverit (the last owners) had had done - when UPVC plastic was simply stuck over rotten timber, meaning it now sticks out too far in relation to the roof slates, which causes water to run down the stone walls in torrential rain.

We had vaguely already thought about replacing the whole roof, and deemed it sensible but likely prohibitively expensive. We have got quite good at pricing building work, and had decided that repairs etc would be x, and a new roof at least 3x.

No tradesman in the NE gives quotes within at least a week, and often a month, of being asked, and rarely without being chased. I think they all have a Tradesmen's Agreement about that, and we get sick of chasing them.

We already knew that the roofers' order book was full until at least the end of March, so we were expecting their quote sometime just before then, after at least 3 chases from us.

Imagine our surprise when we received their quote late afternoon, and it was less than 2x for everything we'd discussed. Which will totally future proof the house, and mean we are replacing the roof in our early 60s rather than as an emergency when it leaks in 10 or 20 years time (when Mr BW likely won't be able to get on the roof to effect temporary repairs).

Replacing early 1970s bitumen felt with modern membrane will also make the house more wind resistant, so better insulated and warmer. Currently the tiny loft hatches in every upstairs room tend to lift a bit in extreme weather as the wind gets under the slates - and storms seem to be getting more frequent.

So, at some point this spring/early summer we will be entertaining more building work. AGGGHHHHHH!!!

Now, who can tell me why people give 'older' people calendars as festive gifts? We seem to have acquired three this year. Do they suppose you need to keep more check on time post 60?

I wouldn't mind, but I always buy the same pig calendar every year, as soon as it is published in September, so they are utterly redundant. As two of the giftees visit quite regularly, we shall have to put them up somewhere visible. Call me ungrateful but don't give me calendars, give me wine!

One question - does anyone have any experience of rubberised flat roofs? Down south we replaced a felt flat roof with a fibreglass roof/balcony, but rubber options weren't available then.


Sunday, December 29, 2024


The objets are organised.

The pigs are in place. I didn't count them, but nearly a thousand I'd guess.

The MuseumHouse is full - well, at least until I find some more objets (easy round here with regular auctions in at least 3 places, the like of which I last saw down south 25 years ago or more), when I will find space.

Mr BW has done a sterling job of keeping me regulalry supplied with food, drinks and meals, and putting up hooks where required.

But, who in their right mind would spend more than 4 days in temperatures of a maximum of 12°C in an outbuilding 15 metres from their house when it was a cosy 19° inside their house? Yeah, I know, I know.

While curating my collections, I've been listening to 2 audiobooks. Books that I would never have read on paper, but which were fascinating as audiobooks: Douglas Coupland's 'Generation A' (15 years old now, but the only thing he got wrong was smartphones - which he foresaw as PDAs, and I'm more and more convinced that the end of b33s is nigh, as in the book), and Christopher Fowler's Bryant and May's 'Peculiar London'. Very different to the other B&M mysteries, which I have enjoyed, and I'd call it fascinating rather than peculiar, but interesting nonetheless.

We haven't had any fog here at all - although it seems that it is going to be wet, windy, and minus 8 by Thursday. But, it's been at least 2 degrees warmer up here than in the south for at least the past week.

How have you spent the last week?


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Another unboxing day

One more day unwrapping and arranging my objets should get it finished.

I decided today that I should have been a museum curator.

Acrylic mini-shelving was a great discovery, and a great investment.

Now, if I could just think of a good way to display all my pictorial 50 pence pieces.
And work out where my collection of old £1 coins is hiding.


Friday, December 27, 2024


I said I'd post something every day in December, and I'm nearly there, so I'm not giving up, but, havng done nothing useful today (give or take sorting a few end-of-month financial things, putting one load of washing in the machine, and winding one bobbin of previously-spun yarn onto a niddy noddy, tying it in a few places, and putting it in water with conditioner to soak overnight).

I'd dearly love to know why Google keeps reverting to, even though it has noted my location (as it tells me at the bottom of the page). I can no longer get it to return 100 results at a time on a search either. Is this because it is punishing me because I don't have a Google account to sign in with?

If so, it will have to join Twatter/X, Pinterest, Farcebook and Instagram in no longer being part of my life as none of them now allow people to look but not join. Their loss.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Unboxing Day

Yet more unwrapping and re-staging of objets was planned for today after a very happily lazy day yesterday when we did not even bother to get dressed.

But some people had other ideas for our day.

If you were a normal person, you wouldn't drop in on people you hadn't seen for 8 or 9 years (when you all lived down south), unnannounced, yet alone late morning on Boxing Day, would you?

And bring with you an uncommunicative 20-something year old with a surgically implanted smartphone and headphones that your unwitting hosts had last seen when she was a baby, would you?

No-one normal would make a 100 mile round trip on the off-chance that their once-just-slightly-more-than-acquaintances would be in, would they?

Mr BW's facial recogniton software (he sees people for one second and can identify them in any situation for the rest of all time - what the police call a 'super recogniser' I think) malfunctioned for the first time in over 32 years. Also abnormal.

Two hours later they departed, leaving my plans for the day in tatters, and our FOTCR™ snacks in crumbs.

Now, I love welcoming people who have let me know they are coming (even if only half an hour before) but even Nice Nearest Neighbour knows better than to call unannounced.



Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Posted at 12:01 AM | Comments (3)

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

"It's Christmas Day in the morning"... Mr BW always sings, once the reused for umpteen years Advent Calendar is empty of chocolates.

Many fewer times than normal this year, as he has been on Indoor Duty while I have been unwrapping and arranging objets onto the summerhouse shelves and bookcases he has painstakingly constucted to my exact(ing) requirements.

I'm bored with unwrapping presents now.

Actually, many of them I have actually unwrapped before, as many of them were FOTCR™ or WitchDay presents in the past. We don't really 'do' presents, we just store up things we find all year and give them to each other on the recommended/appropriate dates. And waste paper wrapping them up.

The International Space Station has been passing overhead on most mornings for the past week. Unfortunately we have only seen it once due to low-hanging cloud, but it promises to re-arrive tomorrow: Wed Dec 25 6:06 AM, Visible: 3 min, Max Height: 46°, Appears: 45° above SSW, Disappears: 10° above ESE.

Joyeaux Noel to you all.


Monday, December 23, 2024

32 on 23

I've had a lovely day rediscovering, and working out how to resdisplay, all my objets as I unpacked them from boxes packed in December 2020 newspaper into their new home in Museum Summerhouse.

Mr BW supplied full boxes at a suitable rate, together with regular refreshments, and took away the empties.

It was after dark when I finally gave up as there is no electricity supply to out there yet, and I didn't have a headtorch, but that should be rectified in early January. The electricity, not the headtorch, as that is simply a question of ensuring light is on head before darkness falls.

An errant Evri delivery man had a shock when he detoured from his track back to the entrance gate as darkness fell to nose into Museum Summerhouse, only to find a person in the summerhouse waving very very slowly, from side to side, at him. I hope he thought I was a ghost. He certainly looked as if he'd seen one. It will be interesting to see what transpires next time he delivers.

Tonight we celebrate 32 years since we first met. Which, Mr BW reminds me, was at 9pm. These days I've usually been asleep for an hour and a half by then. How times change.

All presents are now wrapped, all festive chocolates deposited on appropriate windowsills, and a temporary fix on the Aga made: put the oil flow on manual and sod the expense. Hopefully the required spare part should arrive tomorrow, provided that Special Delivery by 1pm works as it should. I bribed the postie with some home-made FOTCR™ goodies today (for which he seemed genuinely touched), so hopefully it will.

Is there really still another day before the FOTCR™? I am tired of receiving daily emails from every company from whom I have ever bought something: wishing me well, with an underlying message of 'buy more of my stuff'. No, just no.

How's the excitement level in your house?


Sunday, December 22, 2024

My hot rod has failed

The Aga is not working properly. FOTCR™ dinner could be consigned to either Mi1dred's tea stove, or Bri@n's propane stove.

Or both, which would give us 3 burners but no oven.

Maybe we could cook inside a tin in the wood burner?

Or in the incinerating bin outside?

What fun! Not.

I should have realised when the kettle took 10 minutes to boil this morning, but I was doing other things at the same time and was just irritated rather than inquisitive.

Luckily, when the Sunday dinner wasn't cooking as expected, Mr BW remembered what one of Mi1dred's sisters' daddies (who used to be an Aga service man) told him when we had a similar problem at Coven Sud, years ago.

Now, can we get a spare part in the next 2 days? Not in these parts I fear.

But, really, a vital part on a premium priced appliance going wrong in less than four and a half years? They don't make 'em like they used to...

What a brilliant finish to Series 90 of Countdown though. Give or take Christopher Biggins' extremely sexist comments in the second semi final. I still can't believe that Channel 4 thought it was acceptable to broadcast them. Anyone else see that and wonder?


Saturday, December 21, 2024

In the Blowy Midwinter

Happy Winter Solstice to you all. It all gets lighter again from now on.

It's been blowing yet another hoolie here since late yesterday (40 - 50mph winds), and it is all set to continue until tomorrow evening. Such stormy weather is now so much the norm that we never leave anything around outside that might blow about, and the henhouse has two huge lumps of stone on top so it doesn't blow over.

The sunny day forecast all last week for the 25th has now morphed into a cloudy day, albeit an 11°C one by day with 8°C by night.

It feels like FOTCR™ Eve, but the calendar tells me there are still 3 whole days before then. We're all stocked up, with the final grocery delivery arriving shortly after 8.30am. I do hope it's not the growers who are bearing the cost of all the cheap veg being sold by the supermarkets, but I fear it might be.

Today I have been making non-sausage rolls (2 sorts), nut roast, and adding heading tape to voiles for the summerhouse (got to stop those nosey delivery men looking in at my objets). Mr BW has been painting shelves, putting up lights, Briwaxing anything old and wooden, and doing mysterious things in the workshop that I have yet to fathom.


Friday, December 20, 2024


We took Nice Nearest Neighbour to see the UK's tallest living FOTCR™ tree today.

We had a flask of tea and cranberry and cheese puff pastry pinwheels in the car park to save getting a load of germs in the cafe which would disenable the festive season.

We are therefore now officially old.


Thursday, December 19, 2024


No, it's OK, I haven't muddled up my Christian festivals.



IT has been banned from the house for years - since Mr BW carved it in fact. At one point I threatened to put IT in the wood burner.

If you are a long-term reader, you might recall the nightmare horrors of ITs inception.

But now, I have thought of a good use for IT.

I have been talked into teaching a small group of ladies who like knitting but have never been able to master crochet, to crochet, in January.

In my time I have taught quite a few people to crochet, but only on a one-to-one or one-to-two basis. The main thing that beginners struggle with is corerct tensioning, largely because they cannot master how to hold the yarn, and even if they have grasped it one week, by the next they have often forgotten again. If I'm not constantly having to re-demonstrate correct threading, I can be helping individuals gradually learn the stitches (which are actually just loops or various descriptions).

And this is where The Thing comes in. IT can be a 3D model of 'correct' yarn threading. The yarn will also keep IT under control, and if IT starts misbehaving, IT can be tied down to a table.

Mr BW has been playing with his new/replacement toys and made The Thing a metal stand.

Drills, lathes, welders, angle grinders, you name it, he's enjoyed playing with it today. Think of all the tools James May has in The Dull Men's Club and that's Mr BW's workshop, albeit in an eighth of the space.

He's also stuck a hole up IT's wrist so that IT can't creep across the floor when I'm not looking.

But we still haven't got any cards or decs up.

And no, I shan't be asking IT to give us a hand.


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Report back

I got a BW Blue train for my WitchDay. As you can see, it was very speedy.

I have no idea what all the different colour trains are these days, but we also saw a silver one with red doors, and one that looked like it was painted in the old-stye British Rail blue/off-white colourway. I think I need an I-Spy Guide to Modern Train Liveries.

We were up at our favourite beach near Berwick for low tide at 9.30am yesterday (which meant we got to see a spectacular sunrise as we crossed lots of moorland on the way up) and had an enjoyable couple of hours amongst the rocks collecting pebbles and shells, lunch on the (almost deserted, save the occasional dog walker) beach, then went to Bamburgh Castle - first time we have ever been, but we've just treated ourselves to a year of Historic Houses membership (basically, most/many of the private houses not in NT or EH). £18.75 per person, plus £5 parking has always seemed too much for a couple of hours' visit there, but free is OK! Will only need to go to 3 sites and it will have paid for itself. The castle was all blinged up for the FOTCR™ so we will have to go back in normal times.

It was meant to drizzle all day but didn't, although sunset was almost the only time we saw the sun. But, as is so often the case on the coast, the ever-changing quality of the light was amazing.

Tomorrow is Decorating Day at The Coven. It is not allowed to happen before my WitchDay and will be minimalist.

Are you decorating/decorated? I know someone who has 5 decorated indoor trees!


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

"Drizzle and a moderate breeze"

Will not dampen our spirits as we spend my WitchDay at our favourite beach, and then visit a coastal castle, picking up a sack of locally grown spuds along the way.

62 from 62.


Monday, December 16, 2024

Time flies

How does visiting the optician (5th time lucky with getting some new contact lenses I can actually see with), a short visit to Nearest Neighbour to deliver a dozen eggs, and a Zoom call with the Old Friends BW take all day?

I just about had time in between these three things to check the banks, measure up for new summerhouse curtains (the old ones annoyingly being 8" too short), send 3 emails, and make a batch of yoghurt.

Grey and very windy again today, albeit 10 degrees warmer than of late.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday: FOTCR™ -10

Today passed by.

I made 2 batches of clementine marmalade and one of lemon curd for gifting to, as Peter and Jane would say, 'People who Help Us'. Or, having looked for a link, maybe it wasn't Peter and Jane who said that after all.

Mr BW finished assembling the bookshelves and CD shelf for using in creative ways in The Summerhouse (aka houser of many collections of objets).

We listened to an old episode of JW while Bob Harris's 'takeover show' was on, and then, being very tired, ate our Sunday Dinner (almost all home-grown) and went to sleep early.

One day I will catch up with myself...


Saturday, December 14, 2024


I said I'd attempt to post every day in December.

Today's post isn't what I had thought about as I was out all day and had an unexpectedly traumatic time, playing doctor while all those about me were gawping in horror without the faintest idea what to do, and I'm now exhausted and about to fall asleep to process it all.

Why do most people not have even basic first aid skills?

Or perhaps they do and real life medical emergencies make them forget everything they ever learnt?


Friday, December 13, 2024

Signs of December

The Yarg has arrived.

It had been dumped on the doorstep when we got back from Edinburgh with a full car of flat-pack bookcases and wood for shelves, despite there being a fluorescent hand-written notice on the front door saying 'Please leave parcels in shed'. Good job it hadn't rained.

For any other cheese lovers, we noticed the other day that Aldi have a brilliant selection of festive offerings at very reasonable prices.

Wild Garlic Yarg is definitely my favourite cheese. What's yours?


Thursday, December 12, 2024

So much to do, so little time...

One of those lovely dates today, and also the date that dave, once of this Parish (albeit about 10 years ago now), and well known to very long term readers, turns LX today.

Now living about 30 miles from us, or us from them, D&D have helped us put up several sheds since we moved up and are always happy to visit to polish off an Eton Mess or meet up to reciprocally pat Mi1dred and Sparky. Happy Birthday dave; Darren tells me you are having an 'Indian Banquet' tonight, and while I still think that is some kind of euphemism, I hope that you enjoy it. Thanks for the fun and friendship over many, many years.

It has been grey and misty all day today and chilly - only around 4 degrees. We have spent the day cleaning the summerhouse (construction blokes' idea of cleaning being different to 'my' idea of cleaning) and moving 'stuff' out of the living room, the guest room, and the sewing room, into there. It's amazing how much space has been created by moving a few boxes and sofas outside. And it's only 3m by 3m (plus adjoining store room).

We have also ordered bookcases from IKEA for displaying Les Objets (much cheaper than Mr BW making them from scratch), but, as the only date they could deliver before mid-January was on my WitchDay (when we won't be here), and as not all items are in stock at our 'local' branch (29 miles away), we are being forced to have an outing to Edinburgh tomorrow to collect.

I still find it hard to believe that Edinburgh is so close to us now. Hopefully we will find something interesting to see/do/visit en route. One thing that National Trust/English Heritage/Historic Houses (we are members of all of them) do very badly is provide lists of what is open out of season. It takes hours to go through their websites searching every property for one that is open at this time of year. There are some, it's just so hard to find them, now that none of their handbooks list opening dates and times.

Today I had yet another instance of a bank unexpectedly ringing me to discuss something but first requiring me to give them my security details. For the first time, though, I did feel the woman understood my frustration at banks on one hand telling people never to give out personal and security details to unexpected callers, but on the other refusing to enter into discussion unless customers are prepared to share these same details. Anyway, they gave me £50 to settle my complaint and a promise to pass my concerns to the "Continuous Improvement Team", which is considerably better than the feedback I have been getting from our very long-term main bank every time I have raised an issue of late: "If you don't like it, we don't care, we know best, you are wrong, we're not listening, if you don't like it then bye bye..."


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

This post useless without pictures. I hope to post them tomorrow.

The summerhouse is finished. It is fab. I'm thinking sod the Museum and stick a bed in there and a porta-potty (out of Bri@n) in the attached storage bit, call it "upmarket shepherd's hut" (they are three a penny round here, and it's better insulated than our house after all) and charge £300 a night, plus flog punters guests eggs, veg and h0ney. And maybe some craft/permaculture/'whatever is the latest wanky environmental trend' classes. And also Wall Walking Days (we can sub-contract these to Nice Nearest Neighbour, who will be delighted to have some company on her jaunts).

The gate problem has been solved; one gate on one motor is apparently good up to 1.2T, there will be one metre of supporting metal post buried in a lot of concrete in the ground, and strangely with the extra bar necessitated for rigidity, it is almost the design I sketched out when we were thinking of 2 gates rather than one. We got excited about it being finished and installed before the FOTCR™ and then the maker finished his last email with, "Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year', so maybe not.

The Sally Army out-of-town warehouse in Carlisle (that we went in while killing time) is wonderful. 15 DVDs for £1, 5 books for £1, and if you buy more than one thing, they ask you what you want to pay. There was one (very) young woman clearly buying toys from the large selection on the shelves for her (very) young children for FOTCR™ and it was at that point that I realised there is still hope for the world, if only in the North. There was a poster extolling the over 60s to join their friendship group on Tuesdays, for warmth, company, and free coffee. I was glad that I do other things on Tuesdays. And that we live across the country. It still amazes me how narrow the county is at its northernmost point. And that we now live, geographically, further up than Gretna Green.

My latest gripe is companies who send out parcels complete with the backing paper from all the attached labels. I guess it saves them rubbish removal costs, but it's not exactly environmentally friendly, transporting all that shiny paper from them, to us, to the recycling centre, to the destruction depot.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Home made

I've been out all day at the local craft group FOTCR™ event, which was a shared lunch at the home of a person who loves the FOTCR™, albeit in a tasteful and refined way. There is another lady in the group of a baker's dozen who, like me, doesn't eat wheat, and she very kindly made me a WitchDay cake as I shall be out at the coast with MrBW on the actual day next Tuesday. As there was so much other food, they insisted that I took the whole cake home, rather than just the leftovers as is normal.

Mr BW was very impressed that the cake is chocolate.

I was so impressed, and very touched, that everyone had gone to a lot of trouble to make things wheat free to bring. While it's hard to find safe wheat-free food in restaurants and cafes in these parts (so we no longer even try), the group today managed a feat never managed by any group I ever belonged to down south. The difference seems to be that people up here still know how to cook, and bother to cook, rather than just buy pre-prepared food in pretty packets.

The summerhouse is not quite finished, despite the three constructors turning up at 8am and not leaving until 5pm, and, Mr BW said, not stopping for lunch. Rather than rush the final trims, they will be back for a couple of hours in the morning. I'm glad that installation was included in the price.

Hopefully they won't be here too long tomorrow as we have to go across the country to see a man about a gate. It's touch and go whether our current metal drive gate, which dates from the 1970s, will survive until the new one arrives. The bottom corner by the hinges is rusted through and disintegratihng.

Having been collecting photos of gates we liked for some months, we finally got round to designing the gate last week and it is being fabricated this week. There is a slight technical hitch, but we need to see it 'in the metal' to know how to solve it. Given that we were told it would be January or February before it would go into production, we are very happy that it is likely to be here sooner. At over 4m long, it was just too big for Mr BW to contemplate making himself, plus it needs to be galvanised, sprayed and fitted, and we don't have any contacts for these processes up here yet.

In other news, I have finally got my head around which switches work which lights. Because our house is very very long but very very narrow (just one room deep), we have lots of light switches which turn on and off in 3 different places, and, up to now, it has been a case of chance whether the correct one illuminates.

I never got to work out the switches down south, in nearly 30 years.


Monday, December 9, 2024

At last, a home for the objets

The summerhouse construction team (of three) arrived at 8.10am and got straight to work putting the base on the concrete slab they laid at the beginning of last week:

Things are progressing. And they brought their own bin bags for the rubbish, and mentioned that they'd need hot soapy water for cleaning it all up tomorrow. Lots of boxes ticked on the 'BW How To Be A Perfect Tradesman' sheet.

10.30am and the base and floor are all down and the walls are begining to go up. It's actually a huge Meccano kit.

13:45pm and the main structure and roof support is up, the back panels are in, and the front is now being secured to the rest. The Boss fell off the trailer (frontwards, did the splits in the air, and fell awkwardly onto a pile of metal struts, hitting his leg and arm) as they took that huge front panel off their trailer - I was watching from the utilty room - I thought it would be a hospital job, but he just laughed and carried on - amazing what having 2 young lads along can do to your perception of pain cf your older man's pride. When their backs were turned he started examining his wounds. Owwww.

The grey blocks in the foreground are the insulation for the roof. I swear it is thicker than what was put in the new part of the house...

Watch this space:

Daisy Daisy

The stripes that Mr BW painted on washed off in the torrential rain over the weekend.


He must have used the wrong paint.

He does have form with this.

Back in 1997, when I had had a very bad year, and hadn't laughed all year, he bought me a staddle stone for the FOTCR™ as I'd always wanted one.

In an attempt to cheer me up he painted it with rusty brown spots, using some old tins of powder paint he'd had when he was a child. He thought they were red spots, but he is red/green colourblind.

It took 5 years for them to wash off.

But it did make me laugh for the first time that year.

We still have that staddle stone, and although these days it has a light coating of lichen and moss, it still makes me smile when I look at it.

Anyway, he's repainted Zebra again now, and this one is in honour of Caroline's past with the predecessor of this vehicle:

OK, so that's enough about cars now.


Sunday, December 8, 2024


Nice Nearest Neighbour (who lives half a mile away) rang me at 9.30am. I'd been up since 6am as Mr BW was snoring and showed no signs of abating, and I have lots of sorting and shredding still to do. However, I had gone back to bed for breakfast in bed around 8.30am, and so was still in my nightie at the time she called.

"While I was out walking recently I discovered this wonderful place that is only open a couple of weekends a month where they sell all sorts of objets very cheaply, I'm going over in half an hour, would you like to come?"

"Is the Pope a Catholic?" I thought, and then ran about to get ready in time. NNN is always very punctual.

I have always loved pressed glass (of a simple form, clear glass, variety), but didn't know much about it. I now appear to have started a new collection of objets (small clear dishes, ideal for my seaside shell and pebble collections) that were locally made in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The lady who runs the emporium is very knowledgeable and I shall take along my mystery creamware plate (that I still haven't manage to properly identify) next time I go.

We returned home after 2 hours to find that Mr BW had been very busy painting my new car:

Not exactly camouflaged to this countryside is it!

The hoolie has now abated after a day and a half. No damage that we can see. I guess this house has been here for several hundred years, and much as the builders may have driven us to distraction, what they did was good, so should last many more years.


Saturday, December 7, 2024


FOTCR™ cards seem to be flying through the postal system. Most of ours, sent 2nd class at the beginning of this week, seem to have reached their respective destinations the length and breadth of the country the next day. We've been receiving cards sent from all over the day after posting too.

I suspect it is because fewer people are sending cards/letters and Royal Mail are now totally overstaffed. They won't know what's hit them once the Czechs own RM!

I know about this 'potential' takeover because we are still shareholders (should have sold ages ago, but didn't), so have to be kept informed, but I've not heard/read about it anywhere (but then I don't use unsocial media, and rarely watch more than a few minutes of TV news in passing, and rarely listen to the radio any more as the schedules have all changed and the presenters I like have all gone).

We still have electricity currently, but that's probably because we have the generator ready to go, and loads of petrol.

Now we (unexpectedly) have a petrol car, it's going to be easier to keep adequate fuel stocks 'just in case' - petrol goes 'off' in about 3 months, so we can now rotate it through the car and keep in enough in cans for several days' running.

It's very blowy here, and extremely rainy, but that didn't stop the local non-lord of the manor and his cronies shooting down in the woods this morning. The trees there are not maintained, and I cannot think why they needed to be taking unnecessary risks on the roads and under trees. They've also churned up all the grass in the field behind The Coven as they don't know how to drive their 4WDs. Stupid tossers. We have the greenhouse top vents tied up with cable ties to stop the wind getting under them. Everything else is permanently battened down, such is the frequency of unusual weather events these days.

The weather forecast for these parts is still predicting heavy rain and gusty winds over 50mph until tomorrow lunchtime.

How is the weather where you are?


Friday, December 6, 2024

Browned off

The Pantone Colour of 2025 is, apparently, brown.

Or rather, to be more exact, Mocha Mousse:


Just exactly what the world needs currently.

Or maybe it's a portent of things to come.

A disguise.

Brown is an interesting colour, in many ways, for many reasons, even if it not the prettiest. Look it up if you are interested; I'm not. Brown is my least favourite colour, bar none.

An old friend of mine started a PhD into "The Perception of the Colour Brown". The research was state of the art at that time, sometime in the late 70s. He abandoned it after a term as he found it just too depressing.

Fortunately for me, as, after a time as a driver for an abbatoir company, and some serious reflection, he went back to university and took a Masters to qualify in the profession which I eventually entered, and, in time, became the supervisor on my first professional placement. Thanks to his encouragement, I became the questioning, suspicious, supportive, enabling, and whistle-blowing professional that I (am told I) turned into. So I suppose I should be grateful to the colour brown.

But I just don't have it within me.

In other news, we have battened down the hatches against the latest storm. Again. All day tomorrow, and until 4pm on Sunday, up to 58mph winds and torrential rain, from the north. The generator is at the ready and my book is open on the time the power pops off. Quelle joie. *deep sigh*

Stay safe if you are in the storm's path.


Thursday, December 5, 2024

Picture This

OK, congratulations to Scoakat and Lyle who are the Chief Detectives amongst you today. As promised, now they have correctly guessed, here is a picture of Blue Broom and Zebra having a little chat yesterday at the car dealer's before the former is abandoned for the latter:

Note Blue Broom's nice new 4 seasons tyres, put on at considerable expense at the beginning of October. We have only done just over a thousand miles since then. There was also two thirds of a tank of diesel left, and the anti-syphon devices work rather too well, despite Mr BWs best efforts to salvage something from a purchase unexpectedly forced by a rapidly deteriorating engine/emissions situation.

As I filled in the change of ownership form online I felt like I was giving away a member of the family, such has been Blue Broom's contribution to our resettlement in the ultra rural North. Up and down the A1 over four and a half years, often towing a trailer full of useful items. I do know which auction it is going to though...

Old dashboard:

New dashboard:

Here is Zebra in the car park by the beach:

It was very muddy and she is now very dirty.

It is the most impractical car style and colour when one lives on top of a windy ridge at 600 feet, in the middle of nowhere with mostly tractors in the lanes and where it frequently snows in winter. But hey, who cares?

Probably only the person who washes her! Mr BW has very kindly spent half the day reinstalling the dash cam, putting bump bars on the doors (I don't think anyone bothers about those these days do they, but we had some 'in stock' and they are black and make her look even more zebra-y?), and sorting out the 'carry around junk' to fit in a much smaller car. Think the size of an original Mini - which is where my car ownership started in 1985.

Back to the future. I love retro.


Wednesday, December 4, 2024


The Blue Broom has been successfully swapped for the new Zebra (and, to be clear, that is pronounced Zeb/ra, not Ze/bra), who then had to have a proper drive up the coast and then a blast back across the country lanes home, with the roof partly down some of the way, despite it only being 7 degrees at best. The climate control set at 25°C kept us nicely warm, and nothing blew away.

A one litre petrol/mild hybrid is never going to be able to compete with a nifty1.6 turbo diesel (which was so comparatively green when new that it still pays no road tax), and the seats are a lot less comfortable (think cushions needed for long journeys, but we haven't bought it to be used for long journeys), but, small in size diesels are no longer made, I didn't want an automatic, we didn't want to spend well over twice the amount for the same model as an electric (greenwash), and I wanted a key for the ignition and button controls not touch screens. In another year's time none of the simplicity I wanted will still be available, and the Blue Broom would have been costly, unreliable, and constantly an unknown quantity until it died and we had to pay to have it taken away rather than get a good deal on a PX. Given that it only managed 68,556 miles before it had increasingly serious issues, whereas the 2 litre turbo diesel Peugeot 205 I had in 1988 did 170,000 miles with almost nothing going wrong, modern engineering certainly isn't what it used to be.

Who'd have thought that an idea I had last Friday late afternoon would already have come happily to fruition, and all our car problems would be solved?

One bonus: in chatting to the salesman at handover, he mentioned he had an excellent roofer currently working on his renovation project, and a couple of texts later, we now have his details and an idea of availability. At last, a lead on another decent tradesman to enable us to finish off the house project properly. Yes, Mr BW could undoubtedly do most of what still needs doing, but, as I keep telling him, after his recent Big Birthday, he is now Officially Old, and he's more than done his bit when we had no spare cash, so now we have a bit, we are able to support the local economy. Plus, I don't want him sitting 20 feet up on the roof apex repointing the ridge to the slates.

I am now knackered, but as I am deterrmined to publish at least a few words every day this month, this will have to suffice for tonight.

Pics tomorrow, if someone manages to guess what breed Zebra is.... 3 clues the other day, several more today. You're all slipping... not as good as you used to be at cryptic.


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Things I have learnt today

1. It is a really bad idea to put a couple of sheets of toilet paper on a patch of spilt bleach on the bathroom floor when squirting it in a cistern with a busted flush, prior to the flush being replaced the next day, once the parts arrive from Amazon, because you will forget the toilet paper had bleach on it before it dried out, and pick it up, tut at the waste of earth's resources and then utilise the paper for its usual purpose. Ouch.

2. There actually are some excellent creative craftspeople in these parts, who are just as frustrated as us with the tardy and unreliable ones, it's just that we are only finding them this week, getting on for 5 years on. One new drive gate jointly designed and ordered. Let's hope it arrives before the base of the present one rusts away completely.

3. One tradesman thinks that an acceptable 'detailed quote', for which we have been waiting for over 3 weeks, is an email containing just the words "about five grand".

4. There might be some unexpected news concerning the Chopping Down The Tree Trial, due to start today. If sources are reliable. (Update: they were; sorry I had to leave you hanging on that one before.)

5. It is quite sad saying goodbye to a Blue Broom in which we have travelled nearly 70,000 miles in the past 11 years. It is maybe fitting that its very first trip, directly from the dealership where we bought it new, was to the area where we now live. It is a sorry state of affairs that I could not remember how the bonnet catch opens, such has been my deskilling at the hands of a competent engineer. However, I now know how to turn off the speed limiter that has had to languish on 'pause' since Mr BW accidentally turned it on (and then couldn't work out how to turn it off) during a solo trip South last year sometime. RTFM.


Monday, December 2, 2024


... to manage a post every day, amidst all the sorting, shredding, and building work. And the need to get FOTCR™ cards dispatched asap. They are all written, designed, printed, sliced and folded, and the envelopes stamped, but the 30 year old Access database for the address labels is misbehaving and the thought of handwriting that many labels, or retyping all the addresses into Libre Office is more than I can cope with right now.

Yes, we never learn, more construction work, but at least this time the builders were not employed directly by us, and, despite a bad start when they managed to angle the shuttering for the new summerhouse's concrete base towards the house rather than the view, despite my very clear instructions first thing, all was amiably resolved by the addition of some KitKats to their hot drink order, and some hot water for the young labourer's pot noodle (it worried me that Mr BW looked longingly as it, despite having been weaned off them by me shortly after we met 32 years ago) and they worked from 8.35am to 4.55pm, the last hour in the pitch black. They return next Monday and Tuesday, once the base is fully set and cured, to put up the new building.

I spent 5 hours sorting out car insurance today. All I will say is, if you are ever tempted to save a few quid by going with an online-only insurance company, DON'T.

I knew it was a mistake when I took out the policy last summer, but we were so short of cash then (having had to run 2 Covens for 4.5 years) that it seemed a good idea. I have no idea how much it should cost to change a car on a policy mid-term, but I doubt it should be 90% of the original policy cost (when only 3 months of cover had been used), particularly when the new car is 2 insurance groups lower than the existing car. It wasn't that much by the end of my 1.5 hours on their awful online chat (necessitated because the system refused to let me do it myself online), but NEVER AGAIN.

I cancelled the policy and went elsewhere (to not-an-online-only company), but I am still £70 out of pocket, plus I undoubtedly had to pay extra for a 'close to start date' new policy. My refund has yet to arrive back on my credit card, and I can see this one running and running, but, as I said to them at the time, I am quite prepared to take it to the Insurance Ombudsman if I have to.

Still, the new Broom on Wednesday will be lovely :)

It will be the first car I have ever owned that will not be blue, and back to my first car (a BW Blue Mini), in terms of fuel and engine size, although with lots of added fun (some clues: very small, very retro, and Lucy Jordan - although sadly I am rather more than 37 these days). I had the idea on Friday afternoon, found it online in a nearest city showroom on Friday evening, test drove it and fell in love with it on Saturday. Pre-registered, but with almost 30% off list price, plus more off for a part-exchange, after Mr BW had finished negotiating with them, and only 7 miles on the clock (well, 18 now as we took it for a long test drive). And it has a brilliant registration for such a car!

I've only owned 6 cars in my life, which is 5 really as one was written off after catching fire in a flood when it was 11 weeks old. At least we will now have a ready supply of petrol for the generator for when WW3 starts shortly after Orange Nellie arrives back in the White House in January.

And yeah, it's not particularly Value, but you're a long time dead, and the current Blue Broom is now 11 and has some very worrying things starting to go wrong which isn't good when you live in the middle of nowhere, so we are Carpe Diem-ing.


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Sunday's Best

Well, it used to be.

Now there is only Bob Harris' Sound of the 70s on Sunday at 3pm and we tried it for 3 weeks and hated it just as much as we thought we would. Whispering Bob can go Whistle as far as we are concerned. The Bob Harris Show is just 'Bob's Boasting' and he sets every nerve in my body on edge compared to JW's laid-back, jovial and self-effacing presenting style.

Luckily, we foresaw this moment and have probably 100 - if not 200 - episodes of Sounds of the 70s with Johnnie Walker recorded on a hard disc recorder, which Mr BW is busily transferring to hard drive, via CD, as there is seemingly no way to directly transfer as the technologies are of different eras and not compatible.

We'll be listening to these old episodes on rotation for the rest of all time, at 3pm on a Sunday, along with a Sunday Sherry, while the roast is cooking. Rest assured, my ears will prick up when we are mentioned (several times), although JW's last show was on the Sunday before Mr BW's 60th, and there were no requests played on that last show. Just as well we unexpectedly got 2 mentions, albeit 2 (or was it 3?) weeks apart, of our 30th anniversary earlier this year.

Talking of compatibility, do manufacturers never learn from the Betamx/VHS debacle?

I note from recent necessary replacement purchases of malfunctioning technology that we are now into the USB A v USB B v USB C era. It's so hard to tell the difference at a glance, and a number of different adaptors are now required, each of which must introduce a slight degradation of signal.

Tomorrow they are supposed to be arriving to lay the base for our new summerhouse. This has already been delayed from last Thursday because of the day's snow the previous Saturday. This time we chose to have someone else control the builders and paid extra for a 'base included' installation. And luckily we told them that erecting tomorrow after base last Thursday was wishful thinking, so delayed the building's arrival until next Monday. Last Thursday was a beautiful day, perfect for concrete pouring. We are now experts in this, having experienced multiple non-pours due to climatic conditions during the *shudders at the memory* 3 years of building works we had to endure to get to our present happy state, whereas tomorrow it is due to rain lightly all day and be -4°C overnight.

My book is open on the likelihood of having a suitable base come Tuesday morning....


Saturday, November 30, 2024


...I very nearly didn't manage a proper post in November. Sorry if you have missed me.

I have been very busy sorting out and reducing most of a lifetime of accumulated paperwork to 1mm crumbs, and we have been busy enjoying SKI-ing (ie Spending the Kids' Inheritance)... except that we don't have any kids.

Every time we have gone out in the last month, just to 'look at' something, we have come back having made a major purchase. At least one of which was never intended or on the 'To Spend List' (yes, we really do have one), but was made necessary by prematurely/unexpectedly failing technology. Two arrive next week and the week after, one arrives on March 1st, and another sometime in February, red paint depending. Several other projects are still in process, as soon as we can extract better quotes than the "about five grand" that we have been furnished with thus far.

Mind you, we still take our flask of tea and our packed lunches with us when we go out, even though we don't actually have to any more. Old habits die hard, and when a cup of tea made with a cheap tea bag and antibiotic-laced milk of indeterminate fat percentage and freshness, served in a none-too-well-washed cup, costs well over £2, and sometimes closer to £4, Value Witch - with a wheat intolerance - finds it hard to swallow.

The tooth fairy who also refills strings of advent calendar mini-stockings as a side line, is cross with us as we have failed to put up the requisite item ready for her visit tonight, despite Mr BW having already retrieved it from its resting place for the other 11 months of the year. Here's hoping that she they simply dump and go, leaving me to do the actual individual refill myself in the morning.

I had a nightmare last night. I rarely remember my dreams, but this one kept me awake last night after it woke me the first time, and has haunted me on and off all day: it still seems far, far too real.

In it, I was climbing a rickety old wooden open-tread staircase, when I stumbled and fell into a sheet of glass (which may or may not have been an old greenhouse) and badly cut the skin webbing between the base of my thumb and first finger on my left hand. At the time I felt the pain as I would have felt the pain of such an actual deep cut, and every time it has popped back into my head today, I have felt the same actual excrutiating, dragging in slow-motion, pain again. I've tried to block it out by massaging in hand cream in an attempt to generalise and diffuse or displace the pain, but it makes no difference.

I have always been interested in the significance of dreams, and phantom pain, and had any of this happened over the past nearly 5 years, I could have understood and explained it from any number of psychological perspectives.

A few months ago I was half-joking about having PTSD brought on by recalcitrant estate agents and builders, but the stress and torment of all that is fortunately now well behind us. A quick Google hasn't turned up anything relevant, but I do still have online access to professional journals, so I shall investigate further when I have time. Rod Stewart may have sung that "The First Cut is the Deepest", but the pain sensations still feel just as bad many tens of times on.

Most odd.


Friday, November 1, 2024

Let them eat cake!

Because I know that Mr BW is not the only one around here who likes chocolate, and for posterity, here is the chocolate cake I made him:

It's gluten free (but no-one would ever guess), made from this recipe (although I use 35g of ground almonds instead of 35g of the Dove's GF self-rasing flour, walnut oil instead of vegetable oil, and bake in a 2lb loaf tin for around 45-50 minutes, oh, and I never use xanthan gum as it is a highly questionable product), with lots and lots of ganache (for those who don't know, this is basically hot double cream poured onto an equal quantity of chocolate and stirred until smooth, thick and cool).

The recipe makes a dense, easy-to-cut cake which is not too sweet, and of a perfect even texture for using as a celebration cake.

I split the loaf-shaped cake horizontally into 3 and then sandwiched it back together with ganache, and I didn't bother to stand the cake on a wire rack to allow the ganache to drip through the wire mesh as it slid off the cake as I decided the surplus on the cake plate could usefully become part of the scene. The daisies are made from roll-out sugar paste (bought - gone are the days when you could only have it if you made your own), using a set of nifty daisy-creating-devices from Lakeland. The bees had stripes made of chocolate, although they were a little shaky as my hands aren't as steady for perfect piping as they used to be.

Here is the cake with its fountain candle alight. The numeral candles should have been gold, but I had substitutions on gold candles every time I ordered them with the grocery delivery. All 6 times. On the 6th occasion, the driver took pity on me and told me to keep the white spotty ones they'd sent that time for free. They looked less awful in real life than in the picture.

And because eating that much chocloate makes me feel really ill, I made myself a lemon drizzle courgette cake:

Although I forgot to remove the cling wrap before taking the photo.

Posted at 11:06 AM | Comments (6)

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Flying tonight

Treasure hunting

At the beginning of last week we went to an auction of household items and antiques.

Mr BW was not going to come, but, after having followed me round the preview (in a big barn-like building), decided he would; I suspect because he'd seen how many notes there were on my catalogue and he was keen to be present to, erm, deter purchases.

Now, I've been to many auctions of objets in my time, ranging from those in discrete sale rooms in nice market towns, to those in farmyards, fields, and even marquees.

But, I have never been to one held in a livestock auction mart, where the same auctioneers who usually deal in animals are knocking down 170 to 180 lots an hour. Usually 100 lots is more of an average for an auction of household items.

Neither have I been to an auction held in the Mart Cafe, where farmers were buying and eating food, as well as talking in their normal voices at the same time as the auction was going on! I was totally exhausted by the constant barrage of words and the constant background of other competing voices, together with the lightning speed of proceedings, by the time we got home.

But I did buy some nice shoe lasts to add to my collection, some glass bottles, old milk bottles and crate, an old foot warmer, some more old irons and trivets, and some other items thrown in to the boxes seemingly randomly: for instance, old dark brown plates that will be useful under plant pots in the greenhouse next summer when it is hot, and a grubby old electric kettle (in a ghastly dirty maroon colourway) that will go to Kettle Recycling Heaven next time we go to the tip.

It's interesting how cheaply lots are sold up here compared to down south. My collections of objets are definitely going to flourish, and now that Nice Nearest Neighbour has expressed an interest in attending future auctions with me, there is future in the past.

While on the subject of old things, does anyone know anything about metal detecting? I fancy having a go at being a detectorist, largely because we keep losing hand tools - including ones that Mr BW has loving hand-forged to be perfect for particular tasks - around The Coven. Plus, of course, there are bound to be lots of Roman objects just waiting to be located and exhumed.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Happy 60th Birthday Mr BW!



All my love, BW xxxxxx


Monday, October 28, 2024

Pumpkins and figs

If there's one thing I hate about Halloween (aside of the rampant commercialism that we have increasingly imported from acrosss the pond - what's wrong with a sheet anyway?), it's the waste of good food. All those pumpkin insides that end up in the bin as they are scooped out during carving.

This year we had three huge pumpkins that grew, two of them unseen, in the field veg plot. This wasn't the biggest:

There are lots of lovely pumpkin recipes here, which is just as well as we have a lot to get through. Those onions are also our home-grown - and large.

Pumpkin freezes exceptionally well, either raw in cubes, chunks, or cooked and pureed.

I have been steaming diced pumpkin in a metal colander over a large pan of water (put foil over the top if your pan isn't big enough to accommodate your colander, but be careful removing it as steam burns hurt. DAMHIK), letting it drain until cool, and then running it through the food processor before freezing it in plastic takeway-size containers. It takes up much less space in the freezer in puree rather than chunks, and is great for soups, and pumpkin pie recipes (and others from the link above).

For anyone who may have green figs that are unlikely to ripen now, here is a wonderful South African recipe for making a delicious sweet accompaniment to cheeses, or for eating mixed with oats, yoghurt and other fruits for breakfast.

We discovered this delicious preserve in South Africa back in 2012 when we first visited, but the recipe came from one of Mr BW's southern wood carving friends.

Sadly we are now on our last batch: we picked the unripe figs from the south house wall at Coven Sud on the day we left. I can't imagine we will ever have that sort of quantity again, although we have managed probably a dozen ripe figs from a plant in an old tin bath in the greenhouse. Mind you, if global warming proceeds as fas as it has over the last 5 years, never say never.


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Finally finding things

Reunited with many things now that we are thankfully no longer custodian of two houses, the barometer is back on the hall wall. I've missed my tap-taps as I pass it.

It's been pouring with rain on quite a few days in the last couple of weeks (although beautifully blue-sky sunny and unseasonably warm on others), but the barometer now seems to fall no lower than 'change'. It was hitherto very accurate.

And then I remembered: the atmospheric pressure is different at 600 feet up to what it was at 100.

Here's how to adjust a barometer.

Now, this, from that link, is interesting (well, I think so): "hPa (hectoPascal) is the unit that pressure is measured in, and generally varies from about 950 to 1050hPa. It used to be called millibars (mb) which may be the units shown on your barometer. If your barometer is even older, then the pressure will be shown in inches, with a range of perhaps 27 to 31 inches. To convert from hPa on the Met Office website to inches, you will have to divide by 33.86. So, for example, if the Met Office observation shows 1013 hPa, then you should set your barometer to 1013/33.86 = 29.92 inches, or as close as possible to this."

That was an item for Mr BW who is currently making a table for an 80 year old engineering lathe out of a piece of the old kitchen worktop that I saved from the tip a year ago. "That will never be useful!" he decreed at the time. The legs appear to be constructed from offcuts of roof trusses that I also saved from the builders' skip and put in the shed.

Here it is in the back of the car yesterday (and this is just one reason that I am against buying a new car until needs absolutely must):

And for those who appreciate old engineering, this is the oil thingy:

I hasten to add that that is not my thumb nail. You wouldn't believe that there are nail brushes by every sink in the house would you?

Probably not a good enough initial image to blow up a small section, but:

Now that Mr BW no longer has access to other boys' kit for fettling pieces for Mi1dred, and (more likely in my opinion), because he is due to enter his seventh decade in the next few days and needs to re-find his 16 year old self who learnt to play with lathes to make all kinds of high tech thingies, at the beginning of last week, he was trying to decide whether to buy a modern lathe (made in China) for a few hundred quid (which would likely be a juddery mistake), or a fully refurbished by the original manufacturer old lathe for a few thousand. I knew he'd been looking at all sorts as they kept popping up in pop-ups on my computer - even though our computers are not linked in any way other than by sharing a router.

When I asked how much a new Made in England (or at least Made in Europe) one was, as I thought it was false economy to buy/inherit someone else's problems, and cheap is always cheap for a reason, I learnt that it was about £10,000.

Now, even I draw the line somewhere, Big Birthday or no Big Birthday.

And so it came to pass that yesterday, after he had consulted Technical Boys' Forums, various of Mildred's sisters' parents, and the classified ads on the internet, rather than having the recuperative day in bed I'd planned, I was pulled from my restorative dreams, bundled into the car and driven over to the East Coast where an old lathe, made in England in the 1930s or 1940s, that had been carefully and lovingly restored by its current owner in the tiniest workshop I have ever seen, was heaved into the boot with brute force, in exchange for little more than the price of a couple of boxes of good wine. Bargain. And if, in a year's time, Mr BW finds it won't do all he needs, and that he is using it sufficiently to justify the expense, he can buy a different one and sell this one on.

Here's where we went:

There was evidence of a lot of recent building - for instance, the building in the right foreground and the houses on the hill between the two foreground buildings - but, for once, I felt that it had been done sympathetically, and with respect to the existing local architecture, which included old warehouses and fishery buildings, as well as older terraces of fisherfolk cottages.

I was delighted to finally find not one but four fishmongers, none of them as ridiculously over-priced as the two in our own county - which has a coastline of close to 80 miles, but, seemingly, no longer a fishing industry.

This one was posher-looking and open longer than the other three (which shut by 2.30pm) and in a different location in the new-ish 'bar and restaurant quarter' (gentrification hits a once poor fishing village, although not with the usual accompanying inflated pricing, and I didn't see any amounts written to only one decimal place), but was fresh-off-the-boats fresh, reasonably priced, had a huge variety of fish and shellfish, and sold the most delicious smoked then roasted fillets of salmon we have ever bought anywhere. And the staff could not have been more friendly or helpful. And they didn't charge extra when we asked for a bag of ice to keep our purchases cold until we got home.

Posted at 12:36 PM | Comments (5)

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Is there Life on Mars?

No idea, but will tell you if there is.

A daily newlsetter briefing on everything going on in beyond-the-world.

More info thrown at you than you will ever be able to assimilate. But fascinating stuff and refreshingly different to the squabbling, fighting and consumerism that currently pervades/peverts this world.

Sign up half way down the page here.


Friday, October 18, 2024

The Friday Question

Rather late today as we decided yesterday that we weren't up to a trip to Cumbria to go to Potfest in the Pens (a ceramics fair) today, and then decided at 7.40am (having watched Countdown as we usually do of a morning - how I do determines what sort of day I am likely to have) that we were going to go, so somehow managed to be up, showered, dressed, hens and cat fed, flask of tea made and home made vegetarian gluten free pasties heated from frozen, and out of the door by 8.30am.

The ceramics were fab, we bought a few pieces, got a few ideas to copy/adapt in glass (particularly adding textile panels into hard material frames with strings of various materials and thicknesses), and went to test drive some cars on the way back.

Over the past week I have discovered that National Insurance Numbers (NINOs - how I love that acronym) are the new currency in opening bank and savings accounts (and not just ISAs) but also for confirming details when test driving cars.

People are always surprised that both Mr BW and I both know our NINOs by heart. I know mine as I worked for an agency for several summer holidays as a student and each week's 'hours worked' form required it to be handwritten in before submission. I also know Mr BW's, but that is a special skill perfected from opening online bank accounts for him many times over the past 30 years.

Do you know your NINO by heart?
And if so, why?


Thursday, October 17, 2024

It never rains but it pours

Yesterday's online grocery delivery was 20 minutes late. It's rare that they arrive outside of the given hour-long slot.

The driver was new. Morrisons seem to have a problem retaining staff, so there is a new driver every other week it seems to me.

He didn't greet me (against company policy - I know as our favourite driver is the Branch Trainer of new drivers and has told me exactly what should happen), he didn't apologise for being late (also not following the rules), and all he said (in a very thick Geordie accent - try to imagine this) as I opened the door, was,

"It's bloody flooded eveywhere!"

Rather nonplussed, as his non-arrival at the expected time had caused us issues, as my car was due to go for service and MOT and we had intended that I follow Mr BW to the local garage and then we go on to the local town in the other car (nice that the two are now finally reunited after 4.5 years and we have some flexibility in movement again), I decided to take the piss.

I can nearly do a reasonable Geordie accent (although once-blogger dave, a native of the NE, would disagree). Read the words in quotes in Geordie.

"Is "bloody flooded" worse than "flooded"?" I enquired, innocently.

"AYE!" he shouted. We laughed.

It rained and rained all day and night. I wondered whether we would be better off buying a lifeboat rather than the planned lawn (field) cutting tractor. Little Garage Man told us that he has never seen flooding like it on the fields and lanes in these parts in over 40 years.

But that nice Mr Trump still says that climate change is a myth.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Vegging out

Doing as little as possible after several weeks of over-exertion.

The those who grow veg and don't already know, D T Brown's £1 a packet sale on all varieties of seed (veg/flowers/herbs) is on now. Order £35 or over (and it needn't all be seed) and it's free delivery. It's been on since last Friday, and there doesn't seem to be a final end date, but availability last night when we finally had the time to do a seed audit and order was still good.

DTB/Mr Fothergill's (same company) are now the only mainstream seed merchants we will buy from.

Thompson&Morgan and Suttons are now part of the same huge conglomerate ("Branded Garden Products Ltd") and woe betide you if you have a problem. The germination rate of their seeds and the quality of the plants they send out is appalling and if you dare to complain, customer disservice and indifference appears to be their aim. The founders of those once- excellent companies must be turning in their graves at what their offspring have done by selling out.

We do use home-saved seed and also buy from several smaller companies, including Tamar Organics, Chiltern Seed, and Premier Seed Direct, but the basics at £1 a pack (a quarter of the standard price on many varieties) is a very good offer.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Help Please (Question 3)

This one isn't about buying something, it's about sending it back.

A couple of weeks ago I researched and then bought a new small laptop. We've been using HP laptops and printers for many years up to now, but Mr BW has had issues with his last two needing to use a wireless plug-in module as their internal gubbins stopped working after a year or so, and mine - only 2 years old - has also been doing strange things making it unreliable and frustrating. So we decided to try Asus. Biiiig mistake.

Mr BW (bless him) spent 3 days on-and-off making it look and work exactly like my old one, which included taming Windows 11 and making it look and work exactly like Windows 10, loading all my transferred profile and favourites, loading my preferred mail, browser and anti-virus programs (I am very non-standard), and finding a new image manipulation program as my exisiting PhotoShop disk would not work under any parameters. Oh, and, making the right-hand scroll bars wide enough to use.

While my old HP would start up from lid closed in 3 seconds flat, this new one takes 40 seconds (we timed it) to get through all its start-up screens. Apparently this is a Windows 11 security thing, which I find hard to believe. Given that I probably open it 15 or 20 times a day, I do not have more than 10 minutes to waste each day waiting for a machine to wake up. 10 minutes a day is over 50 hours a year! It has also already black screened 3 times, the touchpad does not always work, it will not stay on the network reliably, and refuses to print wirelessly. It is supposed to have over 10 hours of battery life but it runs out in 3. Repeatedly reinstalling drivers and apps hasn't helped.

It is not fit for purpose and is going back.

It also does not do a page refresh on an 'F5' which is very annoying as I have never known any machine not do this. Oh, and, if you have the speakers muted (which I always do as extraneous noises drive me mad), every time you open the machine you have to re-mute them.

But... what is the best way to clear off all my personal information so that it cannot be retrieved by anyone?

On disposing of old computers I usually remove the hard drive and put a big magnet over it and then hammer it to pieces, but I obviously can't do this with an almost-new machine being returned to the retailer.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Help Please (Question 2)

Any ideas where to buy wine glasses?

When we first moved up in 2020 we sourced a few from charity shops, and I was of the belief that we had lots of decent ones still down south. But, it turns out we don't! Several have got broken recently, probably because they are constantly going thorugh the dishwasher, and we are tireder than normal, so clumsier than normal.

We have some large ones, but they don't fit in the dishwasher, and some crystal ones, but they soon go cloudy in the dishwasher, and life is too short for having to wash delicate glasses by hand.

I looked in Waitrose last time I was in there, but all they had was over-sized ones. I just want normal sized! I don't like super-cheap ones like those IKEA sell, and we have limited access to high street shops so they probably need to be able to be delivered.

Anyone seen any anywhere?

Posted at 11:23 AM | Comments (6)

Saturday, October 12, 2024

On arrival...

The Friday Question appears to have proved that we got it wrong.

We left a kitchen drawer full of 'important info' for our buyers, including all the (many) keys, as Mr BW had told them we would.

With solar panels (electricity), solar tubes (water heating), two incoming water supplies (one upstairs, one downstairs), an Aga, 2 wood burning stoves, an alarm system, and being 96 years old, Coven Sud is a little quirky and there are lots of light and control switches that you would never find or work out unless you'd been told.

Mr BW had already spent 3 hours at the house with our buyers when he was down south back in August, going through everything. Lady Buyer took notes, but we also distilled the essentials onto printed sheets, which we left together with all the instruction manuals and other helpful items. We also labelled every single switch that was not obvious. Oh, and left 'helpful post-it notes' on things too. That probably annoyed them, but we were attempting to be pre-emptive and to dissuade ongoing contact.

On the top of the pile in the drawer, right next to all the carefully-labelled keys (that would be needed to access anything except the front door - that key was provided to them by the estate agent once our solicitor received the pennies), was a pre-printed sheet with info about all the utility companies, a column for the final meter readings (which we filled in by hand just before we left), and a notes column.

In the 'notes' column against 'water' we had written that both mains stopcocks were off and needed to be turned on before running any water.

We assumed (wrongly, apparently, according to the results of The Friday Question) that the first thing anyone arriving at a new home would do would be to read the meters.

In order to read the meters, they would need to look in the drawer for all the keys, including the one to the electric meter cupboard, see the the meter readings sheet (right on top, covering the keys, with bright fluorescent yellow highlighted boxes) and read the note about the water stopcocks needing to be tured on.

Given that the new owners apparently didn't, it wasn't surprising that Mr BW received a text message shortly before 9pm on Thursday night, politely thanking us for the card and gifts we had left, and asking what the secret was to getting cold water out of the kitchen and utility taps.

In common with most older houses in the UK, there is a system of cold water storage and header tanks which feed into the hot water systems and supply some cold water taps. Only one end of the house has a Megaflow hot water system (which won't allow water to be run without mains cold water pressure), but the main system has tanks that will enable toilets to be flushed and water to be run, at least until the tanks run out due to not being replenished when the mains stopcock is off.

Only 2 cold taps actually come directly off the mains (the kitchen and the utility, that they were enquiring about).

Now, I don't know about you, but if I was in that situation, in a new-to-me house, I would apply some logic and check that the mains stopcocks were fully on, just in case.

But, apparently, common sense is not that common.


Friday, October 11, 2024

The Friday Question

What is the first thing that you would do when you move into a house?


Thursday, October 10, 2024


The sale of Coven Sud finally completed at 12.57pm.

I have spent all afternoon feeling really really sick and shaking. I guess I've been running on adrenaline for about a month now, especially since Saturday. I think I also probably have PTSD, after all the dramas...

I hope we finally get a decent night's sleep tonight!

It's good to be the owners of just one house again, with one set of bills, one set of maintenance, and one set of concerns.

Just before we got the call to say it had all gone through OK, there was a flypast of jet fighters and then the grey sky turned sunny. A good omen!

And I have just discovered that the last remaining hen that we moved up with us in 2020 (a Black Minorca) who lays white eggs but hasn't done so for months, did one today. She must be about 7 now, which is geriatric for a hen. To do an egg at that age, at this time of year, when the light levels are falling so fast, is a minor miracle.

We're just about to open a bottle of bubbles - cheers!


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Help Please (Question 1)

Now that we are (nearly) solvent again (roll on tomorrow lunchtime) there are a few things we need that we can finally afford to buy.

But, it is very hard to order some things just from online, and there is nowhere near here where we can go to look at all the choices on things side-by-side. Actually, I doubt if such places even exist any longer these days, but at least in a populated area, you can go to a few nearby shops to inspect before purchasing. Plus, online reviews are not as reliable as they once were, as there are 'professional review writers' who attempt to subvert the for-the-common-good process, and reviewers who write reviews before they have even got their new toy out of its box.

So, as I think of them over the next few days, I have some needed products about which I would appreciate any thoughts from the hive mind.

Q1: we've had 1GB fibre broadband for a couple of months now (thanks to rural subsidies and a lot of perseverance by a few stalwart campaigning locals), but there are a few 'dead spots' in our old longhouse with two foot thick stone walls externally and internally (it's 30 metres long but only 5m wide and the router is right in the middle, in the place where our previous 'less than 2MB copper from the cabinet 3.5 miles away' worked well) . This situation is not improved by the thick silver-foil-coated modern insulation installed in the new bits and the parts that have been renovated.

Surprisingly, given the rural area they serve, with lots of similar 'old properties with thick stone wall problems' the ISP do not provide their own fixes to this issue.

Our previous two plug-in system boosters have worked fine up until now, but were brought up from down south where they ably supported a 4MB connection and are at least 7 years old. Unsurprisingly, they simply do not do the job with the new 1GB system, especially in the converted single storey bit where our bedroom now is, which is where we most use our computers. This is only about 10m from the router, but not in line-of-signal-sight.

Mr BW has been reading reviews on system boosters, and keeps sending me links to ones recommeded by magazines, newspaper gadget guys, and Joe Bloggs who is being paid to promote, but every time I research them further, there are lots of one star reviews from people who seem to be techie and know what they are talking about who say 'not this one there are security/compatibility/splitting/reception/IP cloning/security/bridging/support/reliability etc etc etc problems!' It's very hard to understand the difference between mesh systems, signal boosters, things that cost £30 and things that cost £300.

What we need is a good product that will give us good coverage everywhere.

And because I am a security freak, I also need a VPN system as our new ISP only provides static IPs, but it needs to be not based in a country which can't access i-Player.

This is probably a separate issue, but I'm just wondering, having confused myself reading techie forums that are now way beyond my level of understanding (which was once OK), whether the 2 products might be able to be combined?

Any ideas or recommendations, on signal boosters or VPN setups, please?

A new chapter

We are at Coven Nord.

Up before 6am yesterday, got home at 9pm last night.

Didn't stop all day... totally successful, left with happy memories in the sun, and everyone did exactly what they were meant to, as agreed, and with good humour.

Let's hope this is the beginning of a more settled and less stress free time for us!

More later once the removal men have been to offload and some more of the 50 necessary loads of washing have been completed.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Final Countdown

We are at Coven Sud.

We got here yesterday, early afternoon, and will be leaving again on Tuesday afternoon.


On Wednesday afternoon, after four and a half years, we will, finally, have wooden tables and wooden chairs, sofas and armchairs, and garden benches and tables, at Coven Nord again.

By Thursday lunchtime, all being well (and judging by progress to date - every possible thing that could go wrong has, and absolutely none of it was our, or Coven Sud's, fault - I'd say that there is every chance we will be the one in over a thousand that isn't), we will finally be solvent again, able to pay of all the accrued debts, and to have the funds to complete the final projects on Coven Nord.

It feels very weird, after 29 years and 2 months as Custodians of Coven Sud.

These last 10 weeks have taken up every bit of energy and head space that I have, and even Mr BW (the most optimistic and grounded person in the world) has been seriously challenged. It has been seriously and totally shit.

Fingers crossed please...


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Is it really August?

There has been a need for lots of spells recently.

Yesterday Mr BW found a dead sparrowhawk in the greenhouse and all The Bales got speared and removed. Bales of glysophate-dried OSR stems for winter feed for sheep. Lamb chop impregnated with a suspected carcinogen banned in much of the rest of the world anyone?

My latest stamp swop order (yes, the scheme is still open, luckily, as I keep finding more stashes) came back £20 short of new-style barcoded stamps. My last order was incorrect too. I suspect most people never check that stamp value in = stamp value out, so Royal Mail have probably made a goodly deal overall. The man on the phone was horrible. Even so, I still got my missing stamps back. Well, I haven't yet, but I should soon.

This morning my 8 item online grocery delivery had 6 substitutions and 1 missing item.

I don't like this weather. It's like November.

It's a good job that most supermarkets have 25% off wine for the bank holiday...


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Coven Update

Up on our rural northern ridge it is hot, but with a wonderfully cooling breeze.

We are drowning in paperwork for 'The Hopeful Event That Cannot Be Mentioned In Case It Jinxes It' (even though, in reality, it is only updating forms we filled in 2 years ago), and The Bales have appeared again, this time outside our front windows.

In fact, the whole of the big arched window is filled with them.

< insert photo, eventually >

This could, in itself, be a jinx, because long-term readers might remember how The Bales have followed us menacingly around the world.

Yesterday, there was a field of oil seed rape in front of our house, killed off and dried by the farmer's application of glysophate 3 weeks ago. Officially it is called 'pre-harvest dessicant'. Despite being banned in many countries now, glysophate is still allowed in the UK for use to dry crops that are to be used for food.

Use canola oil at your peril people, and also remember that almost every crop used for cheap carbohydate (wheat, barley, oats) is sprayed with carconogenic products to hasten its harvesting date.

Do your own research, but I will give you this as a starting point.

And they wonder why there are so many people these days with severe food allergies, and why there are inexplicable rises in the numbers of people suffering from so many degenerative neurological conditions such as dementia!

Big Pharma and Big Pharma-Agriculture have a lot to answer for.

I just don't have the brain space or time to distill all I have learnt over recent years about hidden chemicals in food from farm production, but it is beyond concerning. I am just glad that we grow the majority of our food for a lot of the year.

Vegetable production is at its peak here; we are stretched to pick and process it as fast as it is currently growing. This morning I decided that the runner beans were like Dr Who's Angels (I can't remember what they are called and CBATG) - they literally grow while your back is turned.

Have you seen the Perseids yet this year?

The night skies have - finally - been clear for the past couple of nights, with the Milky Way very visible. The meteors have been brilliant, and they're not quite at their peak yet. The shooting stars move from north-east to south-west in the sky. They start in Perseus, which is north-east of the North or Pole Star (follow The Plough's two right-hand stars up, and it's the brightest star you see), or east of Cassiopeia ("W" shape) which is to the NE of The Plough (or Great Bear). A few meteors shoot off westwards, but they are basically NE to SW.

Truly stunning, and puts anything going on in our world into perspective.

And, if you can find a sky dark enough, you'll probably see some satellites too. Space junk for the future. Earth's gift to the Perpetual Universe.

Off to watch the Olympics' Closing Ceremony now, hoping it will be better than the Opening Ceremony was a couple of weeks ago. But, what glory in between.


Thursday, August 8, 2024


I like large mugs.

Of the bone china sort.

I especially like the shape of the Dunoon Glencoe range, but those that have been in constant daily use, in and out of the dishwasher for over 30 years now, are slightly faded. I think 6 of them still exist, out of an original 8, but I cannot check for certain as they currently reside over 300 miles away from me.

Sadly Dunoon do not make the original designs we had any more (bees, sheep, pigs), so when I replaced the originals last year (when all builders, so all the majority of dangers) had gone, I had to content myself with buying Constellations, Beaufort Scale, Planets, and Periodic Table. Just looking at their website, I'm glad I bought them last year as they have gone up more than 50% since then. I guess due to increases in energy, other materials and labour costs.

The Periodic Table has expanded since I was made to memorise it at school, and, despite studying the new version religiously while I drink my morning cups of tea, I have been struggling to add the new entrants into my pre-existing mental representation. Largely, I think, because I have no idea what most of the new elements are used for.

I was therefore delighted when I recently discovered "The Periodic Table of the Elements", in 2 versions: in Pictures, and, separately, in Words, available under Creative Commons licensing, for printing or using in other ways (including online), free of charge.

In today's crazy world, it is heartening that there are still people like this who happily give away brilliant content for the common educational good.

The accompanying blurb says, "This pictorial periodic table is colorful, fun, and packed with information. In addition to the element's name, symbol, and atomic number, each element box has a drawing of one of the element's main human uses or natural occurrences. The table is color-coded to show the chemical groupings. Small symbols pack in additional information: solid/liquid/gas, color of element, common in the human body, common in the earth's crust, magnetic metals, noble metals, radioactive, and rare or never found in nature. It does not overload kids with a lot of detailed numbers, like atomic weights and valence numbers."

The other version, "The textual periodic table is packed with even more information. In addition to the element's name, symbol, and atomic number, each element box contains a textual description of the element's physical properties and a list of several of its human uses and/or natural occurrences. The table is colour-coded to show the chemical groups, and each group is described in a panel of the same color. Other info panels describe atomic structure, chemical bonding, and radioactivity. It does not overload kids with a lot of detailed numbers, but it does provide some simple rules-of-thumb about atomic weights and valence numbers."

A list form also exists, here

Might be worth passing on to anyone studying chemistry or general science - although, having just checked, it seems that students are no longer required to know it by heart, as copies are provided in GCSE and A Level exams these days.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Now, don't worry, I'm not going there in these times.

Other than to say, if my first-hand experience at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park a week ago is anything to go by, I can begin to understand what the current 'rioting' is about. And that is me who doesn't engage in social media, does not have a smartphone, spent a professional lifetime fighting for the repressed, misunderstood, unsupported and marginalised under-dog (irrespective of any 'characteristic(s)' they might have), and now deliberately lives in the middle of nowhere to get away from all the officially condoned social and mind control.

I like the 'light parma violet' colour of the Paris Olympics athletics track. It suits my visual problems, and allows me to clearly see what is going on. Hopefully other future events will follow suit.

I dislike the fact that it is almost impossible to tell the different countries' athletes apart this time.

Teams come out with each member sporting a different 'uniform' (sometimes in different colours), and strips are largely nondescript and unimaginative. What's with GB often in black? The Netherlands, the Brazilians and the Australians are the only ones I can usually easily identify.

Uniform is meant to be just that: uniform, and its idea is to make its wearers easily identifiable.

To me, the different colours, and the different garments, sported by each country's athletes (even within an event when there is more than one athlete from a country competing, let alone within team members of a country in a particular event), have failed this time around.

Don't tell me that last sentence is appalling English. I know.

And don't start me on the scantiness of much of the kit foisted on women. Designed by men?

I was a county-level athlete back in the late 70s, and selected for the England squad at 15. If I'd chosen sport over study, I might have made the Olympics. But - if I'd been given a very high-legged garment with a one inch under-gusset to compete in, I would have refused to wear it. It is not comfortable, practical, fit-for-purpose or decent.

In these liberated days (and many women fought very hard for what is enjoyed but unappreciated these days), why are young women acquiescing to such styles? Actually, thinking, I've seen some young men's futures that I'd have preferred not to have viewed too...

Do the designers of sports' competition wear consult any athletes, or get them to trial it, or have any personal experience of competitive sport themselves? Fashion over functionality designed on (or maybe 'by') a computer I fear.


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Signs and the times

I've always wanted one of those signs that they used to have on railway crossing gates (when such a thing existed).

We were up in the Scottish Borders a few weeks ago and saw a LNER one in a nursery/salvage yard. I wasn't totally convinced that it was an original as the back wasn't rusty yet there was rust around the holes for attaching it to a gate. Plus it was a lot more than I was prepared to pay.

On returning home I started researching them, and found that original ones are very rare and very expensive, so the one we'd seen clearly wasn't an original, as I'd suspected.

I discovered on a Men Who Like Trains website (god, don't some of them talk rubbish?!) that someone had taken a mould from an original sign and had some re-cast. New, but from the original's mould, they were the same price as in the place we'd seen, but I found one place selling them for a third of the price (presumably trying to clear them).

And so it came to pass that a sign duly arrived, had its back and holes properly coated with anti-rust protector, and became attached to the gate into the orchard/ field as a reminder to people passing through to close it. I think Mr BW currently owes me 120 shillings. The gate does get closed much more than it used to now. Plus it makes me smile every time I look at it. This picture is the view across to Cumbria:

Long-time readers will remember the pretty southern sunsets we had. We still get them up here. This one a couple of weeks ago:

We've had very few totally clear nights this summer, and I'm missing my star and Milky Way fix. For a month each side of mid-summer, there are only about three and a half hours of darkness this far north anyway.

I've not yet seen the Perseids this year, but hope there will be a clear night next week when they are at their peak (12-13th).


Monday, August 5, 2024

Northern gardening

The Hedge Border (the Hedge of which Mr BW has been cloud pruning - I had my doubts about deviating from straight, but he is quite right, it fits the landscape much better) is white with daisies:

The top veg area in front of the greenhouse is in full production: send a SAE if you'd like runner beans or courgettes, and spot the cat:

And the Post Box Seating area (under the plum tree above) is so inviting. If only we had time to sit in it...

A woman from the Council involved in promoting 'community resilience' came out to pick our brains today. She thought she might have covid, so we sat out in the garden. "Do you look after all this on your own?" she said. I was tempted to tell her that not only do we look after it all, but we have designed, built and planted it all from scratch (mostly with plants we've grown or propagated ourselves, or moved from Coven Sud), but we weren't meeting to talk about us.

We went away to Yorkshire last week for 2 nights. That makes only 5 nights in the last four and a half years that we have been away together.

In other news... no, that might jinx it, sorry, can't say.


Friday, August 2, 2024

They're everywhere

Labour Party glasses.

Have you noticed?


Wednesday, July 31, 2024


One thing I love about the rural NE is the tiny village fetes. They remind me of my childhood, with guess the weight of the cake/cockerel/jar of sweeties, guess the name of the doll/ferret/baby, guess the number of buttons/sweets/hen pellets in the jar, and raffle tickets for prizes for things no better than those for sale on the bric-a-brac. The cake and produce stalls often sell things for less than they cost to make. Despite this, the combined takings on a day often top several thousand pounds. Which is good, beause rural churches, churchyards and village halls, on which the local populace depend, simply would not survive without these quaint events.

I found an interesting old plate at a fete last weekend. 50p. Another objet for my collection, and I might serve some part of an afternoon tea off it sometime.

The strings do not seem to be moulded, but are beautifully formed:

The only mark is this stamped number on the reverse:

I think I have seen something similar at the Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle. Somewhere similar in recent years anyway.

I don't know what this type of ceramic work is called, and cannot find any examples online anywhere.

Anyone have any clues?


Tuesday, July 30, 2024


I was a newly-qualified teacher when I bought my first car (40 years ago now - how did that happen?), and I have had a car continously ever since, so insurance renewals always come in the school summer holidays. We also have one car that needs MOT and service at this time. The end of July and beginning of August are therefore annoyingly busy with car-related admin, and it is getting harder and harder to work out how to get the best deals. More technology = more headaches, not fewer.

One thing I discovered when renewing house insurance last month is that GoCompare gives you £250 of excess cover free-of-charge on motor and home policies. And I found their website the easiest of all the comparison sites to use.

Moneysavingexpert seem to overlook this in their cheap insurance guides, which I find odd, as adding in £250 voluntary excess when asking for quotes online reduces the price of policies considerably. Fully comp on our 2 cars, £129 and £156. Cheaper than last year. Although not by renewing with the existing companies, who wanted £100 and £125 more than last year respectively, a 70% to 80% increase on each despite nothing at all changing! And no, I didn't even bother to ring up to ask them their best price as it was never going to come down to the level of new quotations (despite the new legislation saying exisiting customers must get the same deals as new ones).

For the past couple of years I have found the best deals on insurance through and taken the £20 reward voucher on each policy, but the savings on both house and car insurances using GoCompare with the increased (but refundable) excesses dwarf that.

I've written before about car legal protection cover - don't buy it with every car insurance policy, but buy one policy for all the cars/drivers in your house: Driver Guardian, £18 for two of us (although I think it is £15 per car plus £5 per driver in the first year). Hasn't gone up for at least 5 years.

Has anyone bought new car tyres recently?

In the past we have invariably bought car tyres in Costco as they were better priced than anywhere else, and you could have them fitted while you shopped.

But now... as we discovered yesterday, you have to book ahead online (about 10 days), and you can no longer just drive in. Despite them having the tyres we wanted in stock, and only one of the 4 fitting bays occupied (and technicians standing about chatting), they refused to serve us even though we were stood in front of them, credit card in hand, with a tyre with a cracked side wall needing replacing.

We looked online for other places in and around the area's Metropolitan Centre, and in Not-Very-Local Small Town, and went into another tyre quick-serve place. Same story, no walk-ins allowed. Book online, at least a day ahead, choose your time slot, and premiums (up to £10) apply to popular times.

These aren't unusual sized tyres. Although I do accept there are far too many types of tyre and sizes now for everything to be kept in stock everywhere, I do think they should be available everywhere on (at worst) a next-day service.

Now, is this just a NE phenomenon, or is it countrywide?

What happens if you have a puncture or a tyre with a problem I wonder? Particularly given that no new cars now come with any sort of spare wheel/tyre. And what happens if you fail an MOT unexpectedly on tyre faults? You have to wait days to get it fixed?

And don't tell me that where you live they will come to you to fit at no extra cost, because they certainly don't do that up here!


Monday, July 29, 2024

Value Motoring

The joy of older vehicles is that they often need money spending on them.

The new car market is an utter mess. No longer can you get good deals by paying cash upfront, and there are no 0% finance deals around except on PCP and similar plans. Manufacturers no longer want you to own your vehicle outright, and make it hard for you to so do.

Only our existing vehicles can meet out needs for small car towing power, so we plod on replacing bits and pieces regularly. Given the costs of running alternative fuel vehicles (insurance, tyres, auxilliary batteries, depreciation are all hugely more than conventional cars), we reckon we can spend several thousand pounds a year before we are out of pocket cf replacing vehicles. And, of course, the longer you keep a vehicle, the more environmentally friendly it is as much of the environmental impact comes from the manufacturing process rather than day-to-day running.

There is so much conflicting information around, and we have concluded that much of it is simply intentional greenwash. Given that the environmental impact of just one flight outweighs many thousands of miles of fossil fuel motoring I am not losing any sleep over our choices. It amuses me greatly that those people we know who drive electric also go on holiday by plane, often several times a year. The more evangelical they are, the more flights they seem to take.

3 years ago we had the aircon regassed in the Blue Broom and it cost £130 then. It's again not working well. Mr BW's car has climate control, and that needed regassing too. £300 at least for the two, we thought. Mr BW had a brainwave and searched for DIY regassing. Basically, there are 2 sorts of aircon in cars: pre-2026 and post-2016. Regassing involves attaching a gauge to a pipe in the engine compartment, testing it, attaching the can of gas, squirting it in and then retesting. Even I could manage it as it comes with very clear instructions! Budget versions are available from online retailers of questionnable repute, but a recommended kit to do 2 pre-2016 vehicles is £65 (eg search for 'Car Aircon R134a Compatible Refrigerant x2 + Professional Type Hose amp Gauge Kit' on Amazon). Once you have the gauge, further refills are just the cost of the gas, around £20. Quite a saving...

Just in case it is of any use to anyone reading. And yes, I know one can just open the car windows, but this does not work when stuck in traffic on a hot day.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

What's in the box?

The BBC's Olympic presenters didn't seem to know yesterday, so I looked it up.

It's a poster that took 2,000 hours to design. Much better than flowers, and a nice memento, although if you were 18 you might not think so.

There were only two things it could have been, after all.

The linked page also shows the soft toy medallists get on returning to the Olympic Village. In the shape of a Napoleon hat. Well, OK, strictly it's a Phrygian cap (pronounced “fri-jee-uh”), but.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

"Totally tedious, fragmented, with amateur production" how I'd sum up last night's Paris Olympics opening ceremony.

The Guardian were slightly kinder: "soaring ambition deflated by patchy delivery".

"Bring back Sushi to stop the boats!" was another pertinent comment Mr BW read somewhere.

Dull as ditchwater on TV, not helped by some appalling filming (ever heard of lens cloths to remove rain spots, French cameramen?), bad cutting between scenes, and dreadful sound quality with far-too-variable volume.

Goodness knows what it must have been like for the spectators on the banks of the Seine, or indeed for the athletes who spent most of their time getting soaked on boats so won't have had the normal drama of the 'shared opening ceremony experience' of an epic, fun, show. Here's hoping that they are all young and healthy enough to survive the prolonged drenching without falling ill.

It seemed as if the TV commentators had been very badly briefed and had insufficient information to keep continuity and the interest of their audiences.

Little thought appeared to have been given to the possibility of rain - and it wasn't as if it hadn't been forecast all week. The number of rain ponchos allocated to the boat contingents seemed to vary by nation, with the Ukraine contingent having more than most. Why did no-one think to provide a big long rubber wiper blade on a pole to regularly clear the 'catwalk' of water?

Best commentaries and pictures seem to be coming from the US media: CNN and LA Times. If only the BBC commentators had had access to many of the facts in those articles, it would have been considerably more interesting.

But... first morning, first medal (bronze) for Team GB in the women's 3 metre synchro springboard - but, due to a last-dive error by one of the Australian girls (and one can't help but feel so sorry for her, despite her loss being GB's gain).

Boring GB team uniforms this year (from what I've seen so far) with extremely skimpy swimsuits and extremely large and shapeless white tracksuits (looking more like judo suits). And what's the 'take a selfie with a phone provided by an official at the end of the medals ceremony' all about?

If you don't like any kind of sport (surely everyone likes something?), BBC1 seems to be broadcasting nothing else for the next 2 weeks, so bad luck.

Posted at 11:10 AM | Comments (1)

Friday, July 26, 2024

Potatoes, Olympics and New Banknotes

We usually buy potatoes from a potato farm up near the Scottish Borders. They have a shipping container just inside their gate and you drive into the yard, pick up a sack of 20kg, put it in your car, and put your money in the honesty box. They only have two or three varieites available at any time, according to what they are digging at the time.

They also do a lot of processing for northern businesses, particularly chip shops, and most of that happens inside a series of polytunnels. One day I will pluck up the courage to wander over and peer in, because I imagine it would be interesting.

We haven't been up that way recently, and they might be sold out currently anyway. It's hard to know when they will start digging new potatoes.

So, our last sack being finished, I've had to order spuds with my online grocery order the past couple of weeks. I noticed that the 2.5kg bags I bought last time I had to buy from a supermarket have shrunk to 2kg, but the price has increased drastically.

Yesterday I sent back the bag of baking potatoes as they were from Israel. I have a problem both with Israel, and with potatoes needing to be imported from there. The delivery driver told me that the crop had failed on many UK farms due to persistent flooding and that was the only place from which their buyers could source enough potatoes to meet need.

I noticed that the bag of Maris Piper potates were grown in Suffolk, and the potatoes were (as is often the case) actually larger than those being sold specifically as bakers.

I did a bit of research and found that last year 105,624 tonnes of fresh potatoes were imported into the UK, plus 829,438 tonnes of processed potato products.

We have near-perfect growing condiitons for potatoes in the UK. Why on earth are we so dependent on importing such a basic foodstuff?

And why oh why are we exporting potatoes to the same countries from which we are importing them? I don't think it is about varieties either, and seasonality (early new potatoes, for example) is not enough to account for that kind of imported tonnage.

35 minutes into the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony. Will we survive 4 hours of this? Hmmm. The Thames Pageant for Maj's Diamond Jubilee back in 2012 was more impressive, surely?

And talking of Maj'es, I finally have a new £5 note (issued 5th June). I have yet to see any of the new CIII coins though. What on earth have they done to Charlie's left eye?! How many people must have signed off on that design? Presumably he did too? Even my poor Photoshop skills could have managed to correct that...


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Antique glass

We often dig up things in the garden which were buried in the days before from-the-house rubbish collection. Mostly they are fragments of plates, cups, jugs, ceramic tiles, or some sort of glass receptacle or glass marble. Occasionally we find intact items.

I often think, "Now, what shall I do today? Go to a junk shop" (increasing numbers locally, with the huge influx of tourists in recent times) "or have a dig in the garden?" *

This is (I think) a meat or fish paste jar, although it isn't as deep as those I remember from childhood teas at Grandma and Grandpa's (the only time we had such delicacies):

I found these in a cupboard the other day when I was looking for something suitable for rhubarb fools:

I did a lot of miles in the mid- to late- 80s and still have many of the petrol station drinking and sundae glasses that were given away free - with tokens - then.

They were made of quite poor quality glass, and most of them are now probably broken and buried in landfill sites. You certainly don't see many around in junk shops or charity shops. Not that many people would actually want them to use these days. Except me.

Anyone else still have any relics of the past of vehicle fuel retailing Or remember any?

* this may not be true


Tuesday, July 23, 2024


You may think they're a load of old cobblers, but I like my lasts. I actually like them lined up rather better than this, but I did not take this picture specifically to illustrate this post so had not straightened them up and spaced them out first:

These are just some of my collection: the ones with wooden 'legs' attached (that would rot outside) are usually displayed in the summerhouse, but we don't have one of those currently, so they are in a pile of boxes in the conservatory, awaiting availability of funds for the purchase of a new summerhouse. The property market down south in our price bracket finally seems to be waking up again (maybe because of confidence increasing with the change of government and likely fall in interest rates on mortgages, or perhaps as the million pound plus bracket, hitherto unaffected by the bad economic times, has now crashed after the news that 20% VAT is to be added to private school fees in 2025), so fingers crossed that the day of the return of financial security comes soon please.

The metal triangles are from the floor of a foundry in the next village to us down south that was stripped out and converted into flats. I wish we'd bought more of them when we had the chance 20-odd years ago.

Anyway, Nice Nearest Neighbour was having (yet another) clear out the other day (I fear she has the 'death cleaning' bug rather prematurely) and presented me with a very unusual example, that belonged to her father, for my collection. He died in 1999 and rescued it from a cotton mill in Lancashire, where he once worked, when he retired:

It is mounted on a piece of wood, but offset, which Mr BW thinks was to allow it to be held in a vice for use. The right hand part slides in and out to make different sizes.

The tiny child's shoe part is just so sweet:

I've not seen an example like this before and it's not in any of my reference books of objets. I have done a quick bit of searching and found a couple around on the internet, but neither has this small piece.

I shall treasure it.


Monday, July 22, 2024


I like dips, with fresh veggies or crackers/pittas/crisps.

What I don't like is those packs of 'dip' available from supermarkets at inflated prices. It's so easy to make your own by popping ingedients into a food processor or blender and giving it a quick zap. Yoghurt, creme fraiche, soured cream, mayonnaise, Philly or yoghurt (in any combination) along with anything you've got to hand: avocado, cucumber, tomatoes, chilli, chives etc etc.

What is harder to find is good non-dairy dips.

Here's a bean and olive dip that is absolutely delicious (all the other recipes on the site - all vegetarian and many vegan - that I've tried have all been excellent too).

I've been ringing the changes using all sorts of pulses: chick peas, butter beans, red kidney beans etc etc, green olives instead of black, and handfuls of whatever herbs or lettuce-like salads are needing a chop back.

They've all been delicious, but of particular merit was butter bean, basil and black olive with garlic salt.

Anybody got any other good recipes for dips?


I love cabbage.

I bought a variety of brassica plants on a really good deal (so good that it was no more than the price of all the different packets of seed), delivered in 3 tranches, from DT Brown this year. We now have rather a lot, under enviromesh hoops to protect it from The Cabbage White (although sadly - in biodiversity terms at least - there are maybe 10% of the usual number around). I found a great recipe for cooking them a little differently: roasted cabbage steaks with mustard vinaigrette (or, just the recipe without all the annoying adverts here). The mustard dressing is worthy of eating with many other things too, and the amount of jar mustard used emulsifies it, so it can be kept in the fridge for a while before using.

Here are the cabbage 'steaks' before cooking:

We have probably 40 peaches on a tiny patio peach tree, now 28 years old (I found its original sale particulars recently). It used to live on the balcony at Coven Sud, but now lives in the Big Greenhouse at Coven Nord as this meets its needs rather more in Northern Climes.

We also currently have figs for breakfast, along with redcurrants, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants, jostaberries, gooseberries and blueberries.

HFW aims to eat 30 different plants a week for health. We aim for 30 a day, almost all of them home-grown. But, the HFW book is worthy of a look. I ordered it from the library first, but it is so good - lots of original ideas - that it became the first cook book I have bought for probably 10 years. Given that I have several hundred cookbooks from all eras, that must be a recommendation.

Anyone else got any good recipe or cookbook recommendations?


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Country ways

If you eat my garden, rabbits, The Black Familiar will eventually eat you:

If you eat the head of my hen, rats,

we will eventually get the better of you, snappy snappy:

And what's more, I will cut off your tail with my secateurs when I put you in the bin, crunchy crunchy.

If I have to look at this stuff, so should you...


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Weather prediction

St Swithin's Day yesterday.

It didn't rain for the first time in many weeks.

It won't last.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Non Sun Sunday

Well, Meadow Guru thinks it's a common orchid, and The Last (Elderly) Tory Voter in WitchPig, whose garden we visited this afternoon in the pouring rain, in aid of continuing to cut the grass in the churchyard of the church (that doesn't really have a viable congregation any more) 16 times a year (yes, there's a story, best not to ask) reckons it's an Early Purple. So we are no further forward.

But we did manage to have our included-in-the-entry strawberry tea under the raffle gazebo without being obliged to purchase any raffle tickets, thanks to the opportune arrival of a 12 year old whose parent obviously thought that £5 a strip is an OK amount for raffle tickets. Raffles are definitely a form of accepted/expected extortion in rural areas.

It's strange that the people with whom we feel most at ease all seem to be very churchy types, which is very much Not Our Thing.

Mi1dred was 91 yesterday and The Black Familiar was 12. Here is the latter on the former.

We had planned to take Mi1dred to see some similarly aged friends at The Mines today, but it isn't a short journey to get there, and the rain was just too torrential.

Not wishing to watch knocky ball or kicky ball, a quite local open garden was the next best thing.

What did you get up to today?


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Wildly exciting

It didn't rain yesterday, so we took the opportunity to take our Meadow Guru's advice to pull out and cut down a lot of the seeding coarse grass heads in the orchard/meadow/field, and also rebattled the nasty field thistles (48 huge black sacks full now in 3 years, and still counting - probably forever) and re-mowed the paths.

Mr BW has marked all the (now many) patches of yellow rattle with bamboo canes so we don't accidentally cut them down before they are ripe and can rattle out this year's seeds to continue to field-to-meadow process. He gathers armfuls of cut-off grass heads (some 18" tall) and puts them on a tarpaulin, then folds it over and drags the lot off to a huge and growing pile in a scrubby area that may one day be something else, but that is a project that will involve a bulldozer and a dumper truck, and we haven't yet had adequate inspiration, let alone time, so won't be doing that for several years.

As he pulled out some clumps of grass from around one of the fruit trees (protected against rabbits with posts and wire netting) he saw something very exciting!

We just need to work out which one it is.

As it is mostly over now, and the pictures we took yesterday aren't great (and it's raining too much to take any more yet) it's hard to tell: perhaps common or early purple? Any experts out there?

Later he found a wasps nest in the ground. When you keep b33s, the last thing you want is wasps a few metres from your apiary as they can kill a hive in a couple of hours in late summer. It's the b33s or the wasps. They are now ex-wasps. We hope.

Posted at 10:34 AM | Comments (2)

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


On Monday, summer finally arrived and lasted until 4pm.

Early afternoon, our Local Guru on Traditional Wildflower Meadows came round to inspect how ours is coming along, give us further advice and have tea. It was mid-20s and we sat out in the garden in the shade and shared stories of loved ones dying with dementia.

Within 10 minutes of her leaving, the temperature had dropped 10 degrees and it started to drizzle. Since then it has been grey, cold and raining at varied intensities. It is currently 14°C and overcast.

I don't like socks. Usually I abandon them by the beginning of May and don't re-find them until at least the beginning of October. But this year, even if I start the day without needing a pair, a few hours later my feet are so cold that I have to put some on. That is annoying as I can't stand the feel of socks on feet that aren't totally clean, so it always involves footwashing first, and getting feet dry enough - when the atmosphere is so moisture-laden - to put on socks is challenging.

This is not summer.

We need to get outside to cut the seed heads off the coarse grasses (that have grown on what was sheep field for hundreds of years and are not inclinded to desist unaided) before they shed their seeds everywhere and swamp the yellow rattle that Mr BW has finally got to grow in significant quantiies this year, after 3 years of trying. The first year with commercial seed (useless) followed by 2 years of seed we gathered from Local Guru on Traditional Wildflower Meadows's historic 25 acre field. Which currently looks glorious:

Ours will never look like that as we are only aiming for 'species rich' meadow - in between fruit and native trees - and happily seed, plant or relocate anything in there that will provide nectar and pollen for the b33s.

I've tried to upload a larger file, or to upload just a part of it to show the many different flowers present, but annoyingly the software isn't playing ball and says the files are too large.

For those wondering why anyone would keep and maintain wildflower meadow in this day and age, a field that size qualifies for a £2,000 annual grant (£80 an acre).

By contrast, planting just one tree (which can include hedging trees) will get you £42 (cost of sapling plus tree spiral guard is around £2 in bulk, plus labour to plant, but grants are available to farmers and landowners both for these costs and for the costs of establishing and planning the venture). There are then (significant) ongoing annual payments, separate income from carbon offestting schemes, and a final timber value. The ancient sheep pastureland fields around here are quickly being forested. Small patches each year. Who'd farm sheep (a non-stop responsibililty with unknown costs and no final prices guaranteed) when you can plant trees, sit back and watch the money roll in?

I hasten to add that we did not qualify for any incentives or grants at all to plant our 700 trees, and had to meet the costs from our own pockets.

Posted at 11:46 AM | Comments (2)

Monday, July 8, 2024


We had summer today. Well, at least until 4pm when it clouded over, the wind got up and it's now drizzling. Hang out the flags!

Perhaps unsurprisingly, due to the amount of water that has fallen from the sky this year (including hail on Saturday), there are more slugs and snails than we have ever seen anywhere.

Down south we successfully used nematodes to control slugs for many years, but then the price went up dramatically, and we calculated that for 6 applications on the size of garden we now have, it would cost over £1,000 a year as they don't seem to sell packs any larger than to treat 100 square metres. Even if we had £1,000, I wouldn't think that was good use of money. Plus, nematodes don't control snails or the largest slugs, and they require the ground to stay moist, which it doesn't on top of a windy ridge, even when there is rain.

Now having created an allotment-sized vegetable garden in the orchard, as well as the flower and vegetable areas in the main garden, we have been using what market gardeners and farmers now use to protect crops - so-called organic slug pellets, "Sluxx" (3% ferric phosphate), which are (allegedly) pet and wildlife friendly, but you do have to buy it by the sack and it's not cheap. Plus when you find a slug and chop it in half using a piece of slate (revenge is sweet) it oozes blue which is the same blue as the nasty recently-banned metaldehyde pellets, which is really most off-putting..

Having tried all the other recommended mechanical methods of slug control over the years (baked crushed eggshells help a bit around seedlings, provided it is a thick layer, but the rest all unsuccessfully), a few weeks ago I finally got round to trying beer traps.

I cut a 4 pint plastic milk container in half, just under where the handle starts, and fill the bottom section with one-sixth of a can of cheap beer (Sainsbury's do 'tramp beer' that is 2% and the cheapest I can find: 4 x 440ml cans for £1.45 - would that there were any local pubs left who might give me their slops - Aldi and Lidl no longer seem to do cheap beer), some old dried bakers' yeast (mine is from 1998, yours might be younger), a tablespoon of sugar and add water to two-thirds of the way up.

Then simply give the mixture in the pots a good stir, leave it in the warm for half an hour to start fermenting (on the kitchen worktop should be fine), then put these traps amongst your flower or vegetable plants and and be surprised when they are absolutely full up with slugs and snails in a couple of days. I've watched a procession of slugs simply crawl up into them in the early morning, just after dawn (about 3.30am up here - your sleep paterns might be better than mine - but it is absolutely the best part of the day). The small slugs that cause the most damage seem especially partial to my concoction.

Now, I would imagine that in hot weather the smell might get rather pungent, but, as we've only had 3 weeks of 'summer' in total (2 weeks at the begining of May, a few days a couple of weeks ago and today until 4pm) I've not been troubled by it yet. At least the slugs die happy.

I have been absolutely amazed at the efficacy of these beer traps and wish I'd discovered them years ago. Now, if there was something useful one could do with the dead drunken slugs....

I spared you a picture, be grateful.


Friday, July 5, 2024

It's not over 'til it's over...

... but thankfully it is now.

The Sushi's off.

"Mrs Sushi looks like a zebra!" I exclaimed.
"She doesn't, she looks like dazzle camouflage used on WW1 ships to make them difficult to spot!" noted Mr BW.

Now then, who's left to take over as Leader of the Opposition? Cruella, *unt, Badenough (having had her as Consituency MP and seen how utterly useless she is, that would be the worst option), Pratel, The Man Whose Name Doesn't Even Finish Its Own Sentence?

We now live in the midst of a solid Red Wall. Pretty much mirroring Hadrian's Wall.

Every seat in the NE bar one.

This proportional map from here.

It was fascinating to see the usual/historic Blue 'vote for me' signs all across huge swathes of the central County feudal ruraldom turned Red.

The landowners and the farmers had clearly had enough: well and truly Trussed Up.

Tactical voting means that for the first time since 1991 when I moved from Paddy Ashdown's Yeovil LibDem constituency, I have an MP I voted for.

Into my seventh decade, it's also the first time I've ever voted Labour, but, I'll get over it, and back to voting for Independents or Person Not Party. On the positive side, as a collector of many odd things, I can now claim a complete set of votes for all the major Parties.

Interesting times.

Tory Lite though.

And plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, undoubtedly. And that comes from 1849, or possibly earlier.

Who's happy with what they've now got? Predictions for new Leader of the Opposition?

Posted at 10:55 AM | Comments (14)